Anna Marina
The silver bullet for the apostates and other WT critics is along with the 70 textual corpus texts is Ezekiel 40:1.
scholar JW
i don't know if anyone has stumbled across this video, but it just blew may away.
just goes to show why in dubland they adhere to the 2 witness rule so adamantly and are so anal about it.
Anna Marina
The silver bullet for the apostates and other WT critics is along with the 70 textual corpus texts is Ezekiel 40:1.
scholar JW
i don't know if anyone has stumbled across this video, but it just blew may away.
just goes to show why in dubland they adhere to the 2 witness rule so adamantly and are so anal about it.
Anna Marina
Oh shame about Dan 1:1 being 618BCE. Never mind
Thus , it was in 618 BCE, or during the third year of the kingship of Jehoiakim as a vassal of Babylon, than King Nebuchadnezzer came to Jerusalem, a second time to punish the rebellious Jehoiakim...In 618 BCE his 18 year old son Jehoiachin, succeeded him as king. But Jehoiachin's rule lasted only three months and ten days and he surrended to Nebuchadnezzar in 617 BCE- 2 Kings 24:10-15. refer Pay Attention to Daniel's Prophecy p.32,par5.
He ruled for 3-11 years from 628 to 618 BCE you know. That's 10 years. They call it about 11.
Jehoiakim reigned for about 11 years from 628-618 BCE. End of story no disunity here
Have you heard this talk on spiritual unity?
Many times. But where is the unity amongst the apostates and other scholars when they cannot agree as to whether Jerusalem fell in 586 or 587 BCE?
scholar JW
i don't know if anyone has stumbled across this video, but it just blew may away.
just goes to show why in dubland they adhere to the 2 witness rule so adamantly and are so anal about it.
Anna Marina
(2 Kings 24:12) . . .At length Je‧hoi′a‧chin the king of Judah went out to the king of Babylon, he with his mother and his servants and his princes and his court officials; and the king of Babylon got to take him in the eighth year of his being king. . .
Watchtower knows how. They make out 2 Kings 24:12 is talking about the 8th year of Jehoiachin, who only ruled for 3 months and 10 days.
No, the 8th year herein referred to is to Neb's reign as in his 8th year which events as described in 2Ki. 24:12-16 are the same as those described in Daniel 1:1-3 with all of the princes taken as captives in that year of 617BCE
scholar JW
i don't know if anyone has stumbled across this video, but it just blew may away.
just goes to show why in dubland they adhere to the 2 witness rule so adamantly and are so anal about it.
Yes the Bible contains a detailed history of documented events and that is why WT chronology is so accurate as it alone fully accounts for the biblical 70 years of Jeremiah which began with the Fall of Jerusalem beginning the Exile and ending the Exile in 537 BCE. Neo-Babylonian Chronology does not account or document these 70 years which in turn falsifies the dates of 586 0r 587 BCE
scholar JW
i don't know if anyone has stumbled across this video, but it just blew may away.
just goes to show why in dubland they adhere to the 2 witness rule so adamantly and are so anal about it.
Anna Marina
Well I am certain because I know the Bible and I know that when Dan 1:1 speaks of the 3rd year of Jehoiakim's rulership, it means... the 3rd year of Jehoiakim's rulership.
You are sadly mistaken in your inference for Dan.1:1 correctly rendered in the NWT refers not to the third year of Jehoiakim's reign as in most other translations but to the third year of his kingship or as you put it 'rulership' so this understanding has implications for Chronology nicely affixing 607 BCE as the correct date for the Fall of Jerusalem leading to the end of the Gentile Times in 1914 CE.
scholar JW emeritus
atlantis just handed me 18 letters to send out.
we have english and german letters with various topics.. .
Would you kindly forward the latest letters in English to my pm inbox.
1.--2020-06-18-- english--instructions for our online meetings.. distractions.
personal appearance .
Please send me latest letters in English to my pm inbox.
2 letters arrived.. .
2020-06-04--directions relating to covid-19----6 page letter.
mega file folders grandpa is putting together for me.
the first one was the boe's, forms, and manuals from 2010 to 2020 mostly english.
the next one is the german mega folder with boe's, forms, and manuals, 2010 to 2020 english and german files.
Please send English mega file to my pm inbox.
5 more letters arrived today.
1--2019-11-08-proposal to merge the congregation charity into the kingdom hall trust-------------------2--2019-11-information relating to the merger with the kingdom hall trust-------------------------.
3--2020-01-minutes of meeting of the charity trustees-1.
Please send the latest letters to my message inbox.