When did Jehovah say he was going to call Babylon to account?
This statement is Jeremiah 25:12 and according to vs.1 of that chapter Jeremiah was given the word from Jehovah in the 4th year of Jehoiakim which in our calendar is 625 BCE according to accurate Bible Chronology'
What year did Jehovah call Babylon to account?
No year is specified in that prophecy in Jer. 25:12 only a time factor or event is specified and it was the opening clause :"But when 70 years have been fulfilled,". Most scholars and commentators suggest that these words were fulfilled in 539 BCE when Babylon fell under the Medo-Persian Empire. Sadly, this is mistaken for even though Babylon received a judgement from Jehovah in that year of 539 BCE as prophesied this specific prophecy could only have been fulfilled after the fall of Babylon with the end of the 70 years with the Return of the Exiles in 537 BCE ending the Exile as prophesied in Jer. 25:11; 29:10.
This prophecy in vs. 12 clearly presents a details of the 'calling into account' which are 1. King Of Babylon 2. that nation 3. Land of Chaldeans. The judgement oracle centres around the 'land'-vs.13 and it enlarges the scope of this prophecy by referring to other nations , Next, in vs. 14 The prophecy states that nation of Babylon would become slaves of other nations. This means that the judgement oracle of 'calling into account would be fulfilled in the straits of times covering a long period of time as ancient history attest.
scholar JW