Wrong again, 'scholar'. Daniel's use of Nisan/accession dating is consistent throughout the book of Daniel, and it was the dating system used in Babylon where the story is set (and where Daniel was purportedly educated), the subsequent Persian period when JWs believe Daniel was written, and the Seleucid period when Daniel was actually written.
This amounts to just special pleading on your part ignoring historical facts about the reigns of Jehoiakim and Nebuchadnezzer and ignores the precise timing of Jehoiakim's vassalage to Neb. The dating system that you allege is simply nonsense- a theory similar to your spurious claim that Daniel was written in the Seleucid period.
eremiah's use of Tishri/non-accession dating is also consistent for kings of Judah. There is insufficient information in Jeremiah to confirm whether he uses Nisan or Tishri dating for Babylonian kings (though likely Nisan consistent with 2 Kings), but he consistently uses non-accession dating (except for the Babylonian interpolation at Jeremiah 52:28-30, which is evident from the relative references to the 7th and 18th years).
This comment although true in terms of principles of Chronology as recognized by WT scholars is open to many problems highlighting the issues of Methodology. The simple fact that our methodology in constructing a viable scheme of Chronology is superior to other scholarship and your bogus scheme.
scholar JW