Vanderhoven 7
You list 11 Assumptions which the said scholar is able to respond to each Assumption in kind. But the difficulty that you have is that you have no Eschatology at all and the Poster of those 11 Assumptions must account for his or her Eschatology. The teaching of 1914 as doctrine is a celebration of Eschatology a subject of which is well mentioned in many leading Bible commentaries but the Witnesses because they have discerned as the Lord and the prophet Daniel lauded that God's people would be people of discernment, able to understand the times we live in today as Bible prophecy is being fulfilled and heeding the Lord's admonition to ' Keep On the Watch!1
The problem that unbelievers and sceptics alike have is that 1914 with the ending of the Gentile Times was believed to be a meaningful event at the time of 1917 when many prominent religious leaders in Christendom published a manifesto regarding the ending of the Gentile Times which in accordance with Biblical Theology introduces the subject of Eschatology and it is this simple fact that underpins 1914 as sound biblical doctrine.
Further, it is a fact that if you read Bible commentaries you will notice that considerable emphasis is placed on Eschatology but it is only the Witnesses that make it relevant in their preaching and teaching ministry.
scholar JW