Haha. You’re a joke, ‘scholar’. Unable to make any actual direct refutation from the Bible itself, you insist, ‘no you just haven’t read this entire other subjective book that I won’t bother providing any detail from.’ Suffice to say you disagree with many of Waltke’s theological opinions so you’re cherry picking anyway.
The joke is on you for if you bother to read the endpiece of Waltke's volume it reads as quoted " Through careful, he shows that the unifying theme of the Old Testament is the "inbreaking of the kingdom of God". This theme helps the reader better understand not only the Old Testament, but also the New Testament, the continuity between the Testaments, and ultimately, God himself and one's own self".
Regarding Daniel, I invite you if you so dare to read pp. 158-59.
Enjoy for the said scholar likes to help the little ones.
scholar JW