- 2:32, 39: in JW dogma, the 'copper kingdom' (incorrectly) includes the Macedonian and Seleucid periods up until 30 BCE (in reality, verses 33 and 41-43 cover the period from Alexander until Antiochus I
Dan.2::23,29 refers to the Grecian World Power and not to the Seleucid Kingdom according to WT scholarship. The duration from 331 BCE to 30 BCE and in its latter days was divided up into four kingdoms which included the Seleucid Kingdom. Your claim that vss. 33; 41-43 covers the period from Alexander to Antiochus IV is your opinion based on no evidence for it is only in Dan 11:5-19 that we have a full prophetic description of the Seleucid Period;
- 7:6: the four wings of the leopard represent Alexander's divided kingdom, two of which are the Ptolemies and Seleucids (in reality verses 6-8, 19-22 and 23-25 refer to the period from Alexander through to Antiochus IV
The four-winged leopard-like beast that represents according to or interpretation of WT scholarship is the Grecian line of rulers beginning with Alexander eventually being divided up into four kingdoms which included Seleucus Nicator who began the Seleucid Dynasty. Thus the focus of this beast is the dynastic rulers rather than the dynastic period that followed which is specifically described later on in Dan.11:5-19 only. Your statement that vss. 6-8; 19-22; 23-25 refers to the period from Alexander to Antiochus IV is simply opinion based again on no facts whatsoever. for that fourth beast herein described refers to the next World Power, Rome according to the interpretation from WT scholarship.
8:8, 22: as with chapter 7, the 'great horn that was broken into four' depicts Alexander's divided kingdom including the Seleucids and Ptolemies (in reality, verses 8-12 and 22-25 cover this period
, Dan.8:8, 22 refers to the King of Greece - Alexander as vs.21 clearly states and the dividing up of that kingdom into four parts included again the Seleucid Dynasty which replicates the leopard-like beats in the previous chapter.
In short, the earlier references to the Seleucid King and the Seleucid Period/Kingdom are meagre, fitting well with the overall prophecy of successive kingdoms and World Powers from the 6th century with only a brief description of the Seleucids in the Dan 11:5-19. There is absolutely nothing in Daniel to support a 2nd-century composition as shown by WT scholarship along with SDA scholarship. You have failed to provide a single fact to support your hypothesis!!
scholar JW