It is entirely mundane that two or more people saying something correct will say similar things.
Maybe ‘scholar’ can only get correct answers by copying. 😂 As far as neo-Babylonian chronology is concerned, he’s yet to provide any. He should stop copying from the dumb WTS kid next to him.
But coincidences do raise suspicions as to the source of such similar things.
Scholar does not need to copy but does the research, reads what others say even opposing views and carefully considers scholarship on the subject. NB Chronology is falsified by Jeremiah's and Zechariah's seventy years and the fact of the Jewish Exile of 70 years. I am unaware of any dumb WTS kid next to him but I find it strange that all of Jeffro's website is all about trying to critique so-called dumb WT Chronology.
scholar JW