Then you aren't reading the verses grammatically. The first step in exegesis is to let the verse speak for itself. Don't impose bias on it. Read it assuming the writer knew what he was doing by choosing the words and grammar that he chose.
The said scholar is big on grammar and he has read the verses grammatically in line with sound exegesis.
This is a compound sentence. If you read this as 'this country will become a desolate wasteland for 70 years and these nations will serve the king of Babylon 70 years', then you are reading meaning into the verse beyond its grammar.
This is basically two sentences - which is why some Bibles just render it as two sentences.
OK. No problem for the 70 years defines the time element which was a period of 70 years that covered the elements of Judah as a desolate place in servitude to Babylon along with the other nations. Very simple prophecy!!
Starting in v17 there is an enumeration of nations. Verse 29 doesn't give an order of conquering unless you choose a version that plays fast and loose with paraphrasing.
Verse 12 DOES give you an order of events at the end of the 70 years, which undercuts 537 as the end of the 70 years.
After vs. 11 the account presents a list of those nations that would receive judgement from Jehovah commencing first with the nation of Judah.
scholar JW