Wrong from the first sentence. 🤦♂️ The Bible never mentions a 70 year exile. All the nations were to serve Babylon during Babylon’s 70 years (Jeremiah 25:11). Nations could serve Babylon in their own land, and only faced exile if they refused (Jeremiah 27:8-11). When Babylon’s 70 years ended, it would be called to account, which happened in 539 BCE when it was conquered by Persia (Jeremiah 25:12; Daniel 5:26-31; 2 Chronicles 36:20). After Babylon’s 70 years ended, attention would then be given to the Jews’ return (Jeremiah 29:10; 2 Chronicles 36:21). But it is true that Assyria’s final king was defeated in 609BCE, which nicely harmonises with the beginning of Babylon’s 70 years of dominance.
Nonsense. The Bible clearly shows that the 70 years was a period of Exile when the Jews were deported to Babylon leaving behind a desolated homeland in accordance with Jeremiah's prophecy. During this period Judah along with other nations was made to serve Babylon just as Jeremiah foretold. At the end of the 70 years of its fulfilment marked by the Return of the Jews in 537 BCE, judgement against Babylon, its king, city and land began to be fulfilled again fulfilling Jeremiah's prophecy against the nations.
Some scholars date the 70 years from 609 BCE believed to be the Fall of Assyria but this conjecture along with the claim that it was 605 BCE but both dates are wrong as the Land Of Judah at that time had not been invaded by Babylon a requisite for a beginning of the 70 years and Judah had not yet been desolated.
In addition to the Bible, VAT4956 provides astronomical confirmation that 587BCE (not 586BCE) is the correct year. See also 586 or 587?
Again nonsense for Rolf Furuli has demonstrated that VAT 4956 has been dated incorrectly and can now be used as evidence in support of 607 BCE.
WT scholars have over many decades produced scholarly research which proves 607 BCE as the only possible date for the Fall of Jerusalem as opposed to the uncertain dates of either 586 or 587 BCE which both fail to accommodate the historical fact of the Jewish/Babylonian Exile.
scholar JW