t hadn't seemed necessary. Like others, I had only responded to what the Watch Tower Society had actually claimed, and of course they don't mention that the date of the summer solstice in VAT 4956 immediately shows them to be wrong. But, at my own leisure, I will add mention of this additional issue just to even more thoroughly show the Watch Tower Society's position to be completely and utterly wrong.
Strange that it is important now so you will be altering your Blog post? WT scholars have not mentioned the summer solstice no doubt because it has no significance to the matter at hand.
Do I just? 🤣 I don't really need to do any such thing. But if I find a conveniently accessible source, I might do so if I feel like it. Irrespective, the range of possible solstice dates is quite definite. (And it's 568BCE, doofus. Not 586.)
Only for the purposes of honesty and transparency but on scholar's request you have done accordingly.
Once again demonstrating your ignorance. But obviously it would affect the position of the moon relative to the various constellations.
Well then what is the computed difference or effect for it is odd that others have not noted such an impact.
scholar JW