587BCE is preferred among secular sources. 586BCE is preferred by sources simply relying on traditions rather than the specific evidence. No modern analysis of the chronology prefers 586 over 587.
Utter rubbish!
This drivel is nothing more than wishful thinking. The period is very solidly established and confirmed by astronomical observations.
It is called methodology something which you know nothing about.
He quite definitely has not ‘proven’ that the planetary observations fit 588BCE, which is impossible. Furuli is neither an astronomer nor a historian, so he’s no more qualified than me for assessing the astronomical observations in VAT 4956, hence a fallacious argument from authority.
Furuli has discussed the planetary observations in great detail and has published his findings on their relevance to VAT 4956 and has found that "not completely correct, there are good reasons to believe that they represent backward calculations by an astrologer who believed that 568/7 was year 37 for Nebuchadnezzer". In short, put these in the bin!! Furuli is a Semitic scholar and has shown competence in the use of astro tables and software and has expert knowledge of the language of VAT 4956.
scholar JW