Local governments have set aside funds for paying for these vaccines and are going to assist manufacturing them, including their distribution.
The light is starting to be seen on the horizon
latest news announcement is that there are two companies that have developed a vaccine for the covid virus which they say they will start being distributing to the public in a matter of weeks.. one comes from a company called moderna (94.5% effective) and the other is from pfizer (90% effective).
if all things go to plan you could see things return to normal once the majority of the general public is vaccinated by easter of next year.. yoo hoo .
Local governments have set aside funds for paying for these vaccines and are going to assist manufacturing them, including their distribution.
The light is starting to be seen on the horizon
So DOC what your saying is that when the Electoral Colleges place their count to certification on the Dec.14 those numbers mean little because its the number of States with the majority of counts to the political parties that matters and your saying that Trump won the most States, thereby he will be reelected. ???
This information doesn't seem to be coming forward in the news ???
You seem to have a different spin on this election than anyone, are you sure about this ???
latest news announcement is that there are two companies that have developed a vaccine for the covid virus which they say they will start being distributing to the public in a matter of weeks.. one comes from a company called moderna (94.5% effective) and the other is from pfizer (90% effective).
if all things go to plan you could see things return to normal once the majority of the general public is vaccinated by easter of next year.. yoo hoo .
Why so doubtful Funky ?
latest news announcement is that there are two companies that have developed a vaccine for the covid virus which they say they will start being distributing to the public in a matter of weeks.. one comes from a company called moderna (94.5% effective) and the other is from pfizer (90% effective).
if all things go to plan you could see things return to normal once the majority of the general public is vaccinated by easter of next year.. yoo hoo .
Latest news announcement is that there are two companies that have developed a vaccine for the Covid virus which they say they will start being distributing to the public in a matter of weeks.
One comes from a company called Moderna (94.5% effective) and the other is from Pfizer (90% effective)
If all things go to plan you could see things return to normal once the majority of the general public is vaccinated by Easter of next year.
Yoo Hoo
it was stated many years ago in answer to how did the flood cover the top of all the mountains on earth in noah`s day.?.
mount everest ?.
and it was explained away by saying that the mountains before the flood were a lot smaller / lower than the mountains that exist today.. so there was no problem .. when the deluge began with so much volume of water now covering the earth ( water being heavy ) pushed down into the weakest parts of the earth and raised up in other parts of the earth to where we now have higher mountains than existed before the flood of noah`s day.. in other words mount everest didn`t exist at its present height before the flood and neither did any other high mountain that exists today ,the topography all changed with the noachian flood.
So mount Everest became a low elevation mountain to a height of 29,029 ft in just over 2000 years.
I think some professional geologists would like make a comment about that.
To be noted its easy to say or assert election fraud, its another thing to prove it legally and honestly through acquired evidence..
That being said in an appeal to support honest counting one shouldn't make it a persistent agenda to be a obstructionist in tried investigations, where there has been information come forward as there being voting fraud.
So who here thinks the election was rigged as D Trump has said or was it just that there was a segment of the population that didn't like his leadership and wanted a change ?
for a "disease" that is usually about as serious as a stupid little cold.
A Wizard have you looked at the deaths caused by this virus up to date in the US, 246,000, statistically projected to reach 400,000 in couple of months before a vaccine is publicly distributed ???
that sounds like little bit more than an ordinary cold virus.
I dont remember hearing about that many dying from an ordinary cold or flu. ???
I suppose if you caught the virus yourself and had to go to a hospital to save your life you might have a different opinion on the matter.
todays wt mentions the million man army.
against half a million israelite men.
the logistics do not add up .
The ancients embellished stories many times to empower their chosen worshiped gods or to themselves, the written words within the bible is evidence of just that fact.
Real historical facts aren't used much in religions who set upon their own self supporting propaganda agenda.
so there are a lot of atheists on here.
my question: where does your hope come from?
that the right people will be put in political positions and will eventually form a utopian society that will meet all needs and we will have equality for all?.
I was wondering if only politics was the answer for them because they seem
to be for my atheist relatives and if those relatives lost hope in politics, then what else was there for them.
So your saying religious adherence (Spirituality) is where mankind should involve themselves with to improve and curtail humanity's problems and enduring perils ?
Human intervention alone without religious adherence is endeavoring futile and redundant !
Is that what your saying Iriddle80 ?