No way this happened over a long period of time.
A subjective opinion from a acknowledged amateur who happens to be a religionist .
it was stated many years ago in answer to how did the flood cover the top of all the mountains on earth in noah`s day.?.
mount everest ?.
and it was explained away by saying that the mountains before the flood were a lot smaller / lower than the mountains that exist today.. so there was no problem .. when the deluge began with so much volume of water now covering the earth ( water being heavy ) pushed down into the weakest parts of the earth and raised up in other parts of the earth to where we now have higher mountains than existed before the flood of noah`s day.. in other words mount everest didn`t exist at its present height before the flood and neither did any other high mountain that exists today ,the topography all changed with the noachian flood.
No way this happened over a long period of time.
A subjective opinion from a acknowledged amateur who happens to be a religionist .
it was stated many years ago in answer to how did the flood cover the top of all the mountains on earth in noah`s day.?.
mount everest ?.
and it was explained away by saying that the mountains before the flood were a lot smaller / lower than the mountains that exist today.. so there was no problem .. when the deluge began with so much volume of water now covering the earth ( water being heavy ) pushed down into the weakest parts of the earth and raised up in other parts of the earth to where we now have higher mountains than existed before the flood of noah`s day.. in other words mount everest didn`t exist at its present height before the flood and neither did any other high mountain that exists today ,the topography all changed with the noachian flood.
I see no reason to not to be skeptical of scientific findings.
Its easy to be skeptical of information if you already established a biased against that information which you see quite often with coreligionists, one needs to honestly and deeply investigate all the of acquired information, for example the earth's geological evolution, to fully understand what has been discovered and accepted as fact..
If one accepts that the ancients had little knowledge of the world in which they lived and we can identify their ignorance, would it not be more appropriate to be skeptical to what the ancients said or expressed inherently to themselves ?
it was stated many years ago in answer to how did the flood cover the top of all the mountains on earth in noah`s day.?.
mount everest ?.
and it was explained away by saying that the mountains before the flood were a lot smaller / lower than the mountains that exist today.. so there was no problem .. when the deluge began with so much volume of water now covering the earth ( water being heavy ) pushed down into the weakest parts of the earth and raised up in other parts of the earth to where we now have higher mountains than existed before the flood of noah`s day.. in other words mount everest didn`t exist at its present height before the flood and neither did any other high mountain that exists today ,the topography all changed with the noachian flood.
Sea Breeze says ......
My Conclusion?
Scientists who hold a Naturalistic worldview would have NO PROBLEM with the earth being covered entirely with water at one time if the bible and other early sources made no mention of it.
Scientists apply the scientific method through observable evidence to establish facts.
They are also aware and in acceptance of the human ignorance which the ancients endured, their knowledge of what they had and had to use to explain things which they saw and witnessed .
ie. what they observed happening on earth was explained through the action of gods (supernatural agents)
as jehovahs people how thankful we are we can rely on satan's world for providing the technology to allow us to have zoom meetings.
and providing physical food as well through the farmers to families food program.
and now we are blessed that soon yes very soon!
Dam those higher educated people who created this vaccine thats going to save millions of peoples lives.
The WTS/JWS warned about higher education as being a redundant waste of time and they were right ......... god bless his chosen FDSL GB members of the JWS
latest news announcement is that there are two companies that have developed a vaccine for the covid virus which they say they will start being distributing to the public in a matter of weeks.. one comes from a company called moderna (94.5% effective) and the other is from pfizer (90% effective).
if all things go to plan you could see things return to normal once the majority of the general public is vaccinated by easter of next year.. yoo hoo .
Wouldn't be wonderful if by summer of 2021 we hear little of the Covid virus, restrictions lifted and living activity returning to a point of normalcy ???
I hope so
latest news announcement is that there are two companies that have developed a vaccine for the covid virus which they say they will start being distributing to the public in a matter of weeks.. one comes from a company called moderna (94.5% effective) and the other is from pfizer (90% effective).
if all things go to plan you could see things return to normal once the majority of the general public is vaccinated by easter of next year.. yoo hoo .
Fedup just wondering are you an American living in the States ?
Well put Incognito
latest news announcement is that there are two companies that have developed a vaccine for the covid virus which they say they will start being distributing to the public in a matter of weeks.. one comes from a company called moderna (94.5% effective) and the other is from pfizer (90% effective).
if all things go to plan you could see things return to normal once the majority of the general public is vaccinated by easter of next year.. yoo hoo .
I would prefer to die standing up as a free person, than live kneeling to the altar of PC group-think!
So then your not going to take the vaccine when its available and offered in your locality ?
Thanks for sharing your positive optimism on the matter !
Your aware of course of some of the anti mask wearers that did catch the virus and ended up dying in a hospital ?
Really ?
No wonder you backed off from your explanatory statement of Trump wining, your full of .......
and how is Donald Trump behaving right that doesn't identify himself as a Swamp Dweller ?
Is he showing the upmost humility, humbleness and honesty regarding the voting results to this election ?
His behavior right now is partially the reason why the American public has had enough of him and the election verified that.
latest news announcement is that there are two companies that have developed a vaccine for the covid virus which they say they will start being distributing to the public in a matter of weeks.. one comes from a company called moderna (94.5% effective) and the other is from pfizer (90% effective).
if all things go to plan you could see things return to normal once the majority of the general public is vaccinated by easter of next year.. yoo hoo .
Sorry I tend to stick to rational logical thought processes.
It would appear most governments are aware that a vaccine in on the horizon now so locking down is seen as a temporary necessary action to impeded deaths and people in need of hospital care due to the virus which creating another problem within itself.
The hardships from these lock downs and the consequences toward the financial cost relating to this virus is going to take years to recover, that you can bet on.
At least now we can see a bit of light at the end of the tunnel !