Realistically they have always been just about nothing on the world scene.
The only time the public hears about them is when they knock on their homes or someone dies in a hospital when they refuse a blood transfusion.
i was wondering if any of you experts on statistics and trends etc could answer the question above ?.
if you know how to do it, if you can extrapolate a true figure for the falling membership in areas that are internet connected, then we can say " by the year **** they will be so small in the internet regions that they will be on the brink".. i have put this topic in " scandals and cover ups" because it seems to me they are trying to hide how many are leaving, and how few are joining in the areas mentioned.
the non internet places will not contribute much in the way of $$$, so however the figures change for them, up, or down, makes little difference.
Realistically they have always been just about nothing on the world scene.
The only time the public hears about them is when they knock on their homes or someone dies in a hospital when they refuse a blood transfusion.
The WTS doesn't think to accept the fact that elders have been charged with pedophilia as well, not just so called associated members (baptized publishers) of the congregations . that cant be elders are the most righteous of the righteous !
The pedophile situation within the JWS and how they handled it never made any practical sense to me, as in why would they leave the matter open and unresolved just because the individual denied the act and realistically just disfellowshiping the individual is leaving the rest of general public to availing harm.
People talk in congregations and spread rumors behind doors leaving people to think about what kind of social environment they are in.
You would think they would encourage a police investigation particularly if there is a denial by the accused, and wait upon what the law authorities come up with.
If there is a charge of pedophilia toward a member of their congregation, they should then Disfellowship the individual to protect the rest of the congregation and local congregations as well from potential harm.
Sounds like a legal tactic by the WTS/JWorg and their lawyers to diverge themselves from liability in cases of pedophilia law suits and anything else.
I doubt the courts will fall for this knowing the JWS elders are under control and direction by the top leaders of the JWS through its GB members and their legal representatives.
Devious Fu....ers this lot
has anyone seen the 2017 movie apostasy?
set in britain, the story is about a family, a single mom and her two daughters, who are jehovah's witnesses.
i'm not going to give away too much of the plot, but holy moly!
I thought the movie was interesting and portrays just how high controlling this religion is and the effects it can have onto people's lives.
Self anointed god spoken charlatans who ventured intentionally to control people through thought control indoctrination processes.
will it ever end??
will a vaccine end this pandemic?
will it suddenly dissipate if joe biden becomes president?
Just a small point here, this is a world wide infection, not just in the USA.
Trump's handling of the virus would be a joke if it wasn't so serious.
Did you not get the sarcasm in the post , read between the lines ?
dick morris sounds the alert:. .
So maybe there wasn't voter fraud happening or a minuscule amount nothing really to effect the overall vote count from State to State ?
Shocking !!!
will it ever end??
will a vaccine end this pandemic?
will it suddenly dissipate if joe biden becomes president?
This will happen in 2024 when Biden runs for 2nd term
Yes this will happen due to the ignorance and incompetence of who Biden appoints as his Covid task force, the US will regret not having Trump and his appointed staff to handle the virus, since they have done such a remarkable job of controlling the virus from spreading casing unexpected surmountable of deaths.
Trump will be remembered as being the strongest world leader of the Covid virus for the nation and around the world.
Trump's action of trying to overturn the election results in certain States is in kind to flogging a dead horse.
Most if not all federal appointed politicians from both leading parties know the election is done, its just a matter of time when D Trump actually realizes and accepts that himself.
The United States federal government is a lot larger and expansive than one single person who was positioned by its working democratic system.
will it ever end??
will a vaccine end this pandemic?
will it suddenly dissipate if joe biden becomes president?
The distributed vaccines will make the general population protected to a point social restrictions wont be necessary, but that doesn't mean it will disappear completely and strains of the virus might appear on occasion.
One plus that have come out of this particular virus is that biotec drug manufacturers have learned how to construct a viable vaccine and possible make adjustments to any connected evolving strains that might appear.