"When eyes of blind ones see again...when ears of deaf ones hear again...when deserts blossom as a rose...and from parched ground fresh water flows...when lames ones leap just like the heart..when loves ones never have to part...blah blah blah..if you keep your eyes on the prize"(great, now that will be in my head all day long!)
JoinedPosts by scootergirl
Say Something Jehovah's Witnessy........
by minimus ini know there's no such word as "witnessy" but this can be a fun thread.
Say Something Jehovah's Witnessy........
by minimus ini know there's no such word as "witnessy" but this can be a fun thread.
"Remember Manassah" ::puke::
Extreme Makeover (Just wanted to let you all know)
by WildHorses ini may live in nc like the guy on that show tonight, but...............i do not talk like that!
he seems to be southern to the extreme.. ok, back to what you all were doing.
this was just an fyi post.
hehe..doing well, ty! Busy in real life...hardly time to myself lately it seems-and when I did have a few minutes tonight I was watching a stupid makeover show! LOL
Extreme Makeover (Just wanted to let you all know)
by WildHorses ini may live in nc like the guy on that show tonight, but...............i do not talk like that!
he seems to be southern to the extreme.. ok, back to what you all were doing.
this was just an fyi post.
You mean BUBBA? hehe...I hardly ever watch the show but the kids had it on so I watched. He looked like a puppet to me when they were done w/him. Definitely looked better than before, but real "fake" looking to me.
The Polar Express
by teejay inthe movie jibed very well with thoughts i've been mulling recently.
i wish, i wish, i wish i were a believer.... .
that said, just watch.
You are right, TJ, the book really isn't about sprirituality, I guess I was just veering off on a comment made by Dede. When I read the book, to me, I look at it as that magical innocence of a small child. As an adult sometimes I get caught up in the adult world....I like being that little girl every now and again that finds the world wonderful, magical and imaginative. I do have to say I live vicariously thru my children in that way.
The Polar Express
by teejay inthe movie jibed very well with thoughts i've been mulling recently.
i wish, i wish, i wish i were a believer.... .
that said, just watch.
You guys will figure it out...spirituality is such a self defined process. If you truely search for it, you will find it. I tried churches many years ago.....even got confirmed in one church (lol...then asked to be removed from it)..but they never did much for me. I have a hard time religions. My spirituality was found elsewhere and evolved over time. I notice when my spirituality is in alignment my life runs so smooth. I have a purpose...a meaning. And the best part was the initial exploration while keeping an open mind and finding what suited me. It was a wonderful journey of many steps.
Hello - New to this forum
by hd1gator inname is actually gator.
i am not nor was i ever a jw.
i know several who were, and do understand some of the issues and such behind that religious "sect".
(((gator))) You made it! LOL Simon will let anyone in, won't he? Gator and I have been friends for awhile (introduced by a mutual friend) and a helluva guy. Some good information and some good folks on this board. Nice to see ya here!
The Polar Express
by teejay inthe movie jibed very well with thoughts i've been mulling recently.
i wish, i wish, i wish i were a believer.... .
that said, just watch.
My oldest was given the book as a gift years ago and each of my kids has loved the story. They were excited to see that there was finally a movie made. Here in our town we have an old train depot that puts on a ride each year starting in Duluth and riding up the shore of Lake Superior while there is a book reading done and the I believe Santa is met. The evening ends w/a bon fire and hot chocolate and each child is given a small bell. Sounds like it should be a fun evening!
What Do You Do When You Get The "Blues"???
by minimus inevery once in a while we all get the blues.
we start overthinking, overanalyzing----we dwell on negatives.
what do you do to get out of this frame of mind?
A little solitude helps me get thru the blues.
by Terry ini happen to think quite a few intelligent people have cornered the market on certain information.. when you are around other intelligent people you find in talking with them that you are incredibly more well informed about certain subjects than other people are.
in fact, you might know things that nobody else knows anything about.. tell me what it is that you know.. i have some really quirky things i know.
but, what do you know that sets you apart?
Only thing I know that no one else does is what is best for me in my life. :o)