You sound like a fugitive that just saw their photo on a wanted poster.
Yes that is partly how I feel. I feel like I've been found out, and the thing I've been hiding has been revealed to one and all. I feel like I'm stood in the middle of a large crowded room and everyone is now pointing and laughing, and I want to run and hide.
Thank you so much for all the comments and suggestions so far. Many have given me pause for thought and reflection. Many have made me consider things I had not previously considered.
For some clarification:
No, I was not abused as a child. My trauma is nothing to do with that.
Yes I know the truth about the truth. I have no lingering feeling that I am doomed or have turned my back on the true religion. I do not feel guilty.
I think the core of my problem is embarrassment. I am embarrassed that people now know about my past - or I think they know about my past... as I said, only one person was told by my partner and they likely haven't given it a second thought and therefore none of our other friends know. Certainly no one has mentioned it. So yes my reaction is entirely internal and grounded not in reality but in my own fears in my head. It is irrational, and I know this which is why I am so surprised and scared of my reaction. This is not like me. I am a very confident and outgoing person until this happened.
The embarrassment stems from how I felt as a child. Not only did I feel different and the odd one out, but I was always overwhelmingly embarrassed.
Even as a child I could see the religion was nonsense and I struggled to understand why anyone would believe it. I would be sat there in the hall when they talked about creation and I would immediately think about dinosaurs. The flood... how did the animals get from and back to Australia? No beards allowed.... seriously? God is bothered about this but not about the massive famine in Ethiopia that was happening at the time? No birthdays... the bible doesn't mention it but a bad thing happened on someones birthday therefore they must all be bad!!!
I would sit there looking around wondering why my parents and everyone else were nodding along in agreement. Why is no one questioning this stuff? I felt like I was in a room of adult imbeciles. I knew I was a child and had a lot to learn, but some things are just so ridiculous you have to be stupid to believe it. And it was that stupidity I was so embarrassed and ashamed of. The shame of admitting to the other children at school that my parents believed something that not even children will believe.
And then knocking on doors. Oh how embarrassing was that. To knock on a class mates door or even see them in the street while we were preaching this nonsense was the ultimate humiliation.
And so that is also part of what I am hiding from. I am experiencing that embarrassment all over again.
Like I said, deep down I know no one is judging me. I know this is my own internal voice and anxiety. I also typically don't give a stuff what other people think of me. I'm certainly not a conformist or someone seeking approval. My friends are my friends because we all accept our differences. I know all this....
And yet I am having a completely out of character involuntary and utterly irrational response to this, and that is what terrifies me. This is not like me. I am always in control and suddenly I've lost it. I lost control of who knows about my past (I don't blame my partner at all by the way - it was an innocent mistake) and I have lost control over how I think and handle this.