Gorb said "It's a fake report so in reality it is far more down."
Gorb, I think we would all be shocked at the "REAL" numbers if they actually published them unvarnished. WTC has a poker face but the sweat beads are showing.
isn’t it about time they released the report for the service year?
or have they stopped publishing it?
did they released selected figures at the annual meeting as they usually do, such as the memorial attendance or record number of pioneers?
Gorb said "It's a fake report so in reality it is far more down."
Gorb, I think we would all be shocked at the "REAL" numbers if they actually published them unvarnished. WTC has a poker face but the sweat beads are showing.
isn’t it about time they released the report for the service year?
or have they stopped publishing it?
did they released selected figures at the annual meeting as they usually do, such as the memorial attendance or record number of pioneers?
Unlike the years of growth that are now far behind them in the rearview mirror, WTC faces a near impossible uphill slog to recover - THE INTERNET.
Like a child who builds sandcastles at low tide, WTC faced no formidable criticism in the pre-internet era. Some disputed but it was hard to find their criticism and WTC had the bully pulpit to counteract anything that "wicked apostates" brewed up in their caldron. But the high tide of the internet arrived and now eveything WTC builds get wave after wave of exposure from a vast assortment of scholars, exJWs, and human advocates who expose the nonsense, washing it away as fast as they can spew it out.
The gig is up for WTC. They may not completely dissentegrate soon, but the writing is on the wall - Mene, Mene, Tekel and Parsin. Their Kingdom has been weighed in the balance and found deficient. Slaves are now leaving in droves as the shackles are broken. Sound familiar?
bits of unreported history that may be of casual interest… as to doctrinal origins.
sykes was one-of-a-kind in the pentecostal movement, but he was considered quite a maverick who went his own way with heretical teachings repugnant to the pentecostal faith.. joshua sykes’ congregation was integrated, unlike pastor russell’s public speeches/sermons where blacks and whites both could attend, but only in separate sections--sykes's members were sitting side by side in the pentecostal church.
this was considered dangerous and inflammatory at the time.. pentecostal preacher joshua sykes practiced racial and gender "integration" as early as 1908 -- having both african-american and female assistant preachers, staffers, and members.
Reasonfirst, Fred Franz did have his own collection that remained in his locked office for years after his death until it was catalogued and boxed away. His vision had failed many years before his death so he had ceased to read them and there is no record of others reading them for him. However, his thinking was clearly influenced by non-JW literature, but never shared with the R&F or with the Writing Dept officially. To get his viewpoints, you would have had to follow him to the sauna he frequeted weekly along with other young Bethelites who viewed him as the oracle of WTC, Socrates.
bits of unreported history that may be of casual interest… as to doctrinal origins.
sykes was one-of-a-kind in the pentecostal movement, but he was considered quite a maverick who went his own way with heretical teachings repugnant to the pentecostal faith.. joshua sykes’ congregation was integrated, unlike pastor russell’s public speeches/sermons where blacks and whites both could attend, but only in separate sections--sykes's members were sitting side by side in the pentecostal church.
this was considered dangerous and inflammatory at the time.. pentecostal preacher joshua sykes practiced racial and gender "integration" as early as 1908 -- having both african-american and female assistant preachers, staffers, and members.
Terry, thanks for that excellent ensemble of facts!! Well researched and very much appreciated!!!
isn’t it about time they released the report for the service year?
or have they stopped publishing it?
did they released selected figures at the annual meeting as they usually do, such as the memorial attendance or record number of pioneers?
I am still amazed that despite WTC's exhaustive efforts to prevent anyone from seeing the genuine state of their organization, some still put credence in the annual report. Not only have their methods of counting changed in order to inflate the numbers, they ignore the measurement tools that are necessary to determine their real growth or decline.
They make it impossible to determine the number of KHs that are still being used vs the ones that have been sold.
They make it impossible to determine the number of congregations still active vs the ones that have been dissolved/merged.
They dumb down the amount of time required to count a person as a publisher so that the numbers no longer reflect REAL publishers vs 15 min publishers who were just listed as "active" by Secretaries who did not want to document a decline for fear of the C.O.
They do not publish the number of faders/DFings/DAing which could indicate a trend down or up.
They do not publish the number of deaths.
They do not publish the average age of those baptised.
If I reported stats in my job like WTC reports, I would be fired. As for those who compare them to other religions, please consider that other religions are more honest in their reporting. As for non-JW reports, be aware that many inactive still identify as JWs due to the deep indoctrination stigma of identifying as something else. I did that for years after I left until the shackles completely fell off.
Given WTC's propensity to lie/obfuscate/spin, I am surprised that anyone bothers to read the report at all.
It is clear to me that the ex-JW presence on social media is growing exponentially, and the numbers support that statement. The growing hatred toward anyone that they see as out of step tells me that they are devouring one another.
i’m a pimo ministerial servant and i won’t fade because i want to keep my front row seats watching what happens next few years.. my predictions are that this current governing body will slowly die off and the current younger helpers will be the next gb.
they will eventually have new light that they were wrong about 1914 and the overlapping generations.. the new light will be something on the lines of the last days are now because of king of north king of south pushing each other etc etc.
they will do their very best to burry old literature and try to change the past trying to make it sound like they were right all along just as they have done for 150 years now.
Gorb - they transformed because they were collapsing. They hired a PR Agency and rebranded as JW.org. It didn't just happen through natural organic change - it was calculated.
What is happening now is that the old problems they sought to distance themselves from have returned.
i’m a pimo ministerial servant and i won’t fade because i want to keep my front row seats watching what happens next few years.. my predictions are that this current governing body will slowly die off and the current younger helpers will be the next gb.
they will eventually have new light that they were wrong about 1914 and the overlapping generations.. the new light will be something on the lines of the last days are now because of king of north king of south pushing each other etc etc.
they will do their very best to burry old literature and try to change the past trying to make it sound like they were right all along just as they have done for 150 years now.
Hellothere - the numbers ARE indeed fake.
i’m a pimo ministerial servant and i won’t fade because i want to keep my front row seats watching what happens next few years.. my predictions are that this current governing body will slowly die off and the current younger helpers will be the next gb.
they will eventually have new light that they were wrong about 1914 and the overlapping generations.. the new light will be something on the lines of the last days are now because of king of north king of south pushing each other etc etc.
they will do their very best to burry old literature and try to change the past trying to make it sound like they were right all along just as they have done for 150 years now.
I recall a group of houses on a beach that we used to see often. Year after year after year we drove past them and we thought they would always be there. One day, a storm hit that stretch of beach directly and POOF! - THEY WERE GONE!!
Likewise, just because WTC has survived since 1879, does not mean that they will always be here. The storm is beginning to hit them directly in civil and criminal (yes criminal) judgements. Don't be surprised to hear that the GB has left with their Go Bags.
Some cases are brewing now that may have the effect of a direct storm hit. Even if they survive, they will be a shadow of what they used to be.
were you ever on a congregation picnic?
i was on several occasions.. the arrangements were often announced from the platform after the closing song and prayer by the last elder up on the platform.. sometimes it was included in the service meeting announcements as "on saturday we're meeting at 10.00am at the kingdom hall for field service, and after field service for anyone who wishes, especially for the younger ones, we will be having a congregation picnic meeting at the beach carpark on seaview road.".
well, according to the new elders manual you won't be hearing those words again.
I suspect that WTC prohibits Cong Picnics because Service Dept has a drawer full sex abuse reports that happened at Cong picnics. Shutting them down without actually saying why they are so dangerous should make the R&F ask why.
I recall as a child that after every picnic, my father had to deal with an immoral act committed during the event. Usually it was drinking, drups, smoking, consensual sex - but there was the occasional pedo incident that also occurred and it kept him up at night worrying. He didn't complain when WTC started shutting them down.
isn’t it about time they released the report for the service year?
or have they stopped publishing it?
did they released selected figures at the annual meeting as they usually do, such as the memorial attendance or record number of pioneers?
Hellothere, I think you nailed it.
WTC (the GB) will engage in the most impressive plate-spinning imaginable to convince their worshippers that they are increasing. Like election recounts that seem to go on and on and on, they will not announce until they can find a way to coat the ugly facts with glitter and shine.
So what are the facts? Just look at what they are doing:
This corporation is crumbling and all the evidence is there for everyone to see. If things were going well, that annual report would be blasted out as obnoxiously as possible making Donald Trump look humble in comparison.