Great Teacher - I expect fewer on Zoom and even fewer at in person meetings. Recently a Brother who used to shun me started speaking again. That spoke volumes to me.
JoinedPosts by ThomasMore
Did Governing Body write Jan. 2024 Watchtower for themselves? Are they afraid?
by was a new boy infear !.
since they won't mention the name they're referencing, i will.. .
willem a. vangemeren (born 7 april 1943) is professor emeritus of old testament and semitic languages at trinity evangelical divinity school.
Beth Sarim - I think you are right.
They are actively devouring each other by their internal bickering, politicking, jealousies and envies. The conflicts at headquarters trickle down to the congregations where they fight one another over trivial matters. There is no thread of genuine love among them - the identifying mark of true Christians. And yet, they do not fear the internal fighting.
1. They fear the ones who leave.
2. They fear losing their tax exempt status.
Will the GB Eventually "observe" Tithing?
by Sea Breeze infound this on fb from the recent losch talk.
time for a new business model?.
The Jimmy Swaggart Ministries case spooked WTC. They joined him in court as "Friends of Jimmy Swaggart" which gave them insights into how the gov't might come after them. They got out of the contribution for literature business and began mentioning the donation arrangement. That did not generate enough cash for an ice cream cone, so they gradually got out of the publishing for money business and began to focus on their real estate business.
They are selling real estate to cover CSA settlements (In-Court and Out-of-Court) and probably have KH's leveraged as collateral for loans they take. Donations are not coming in as they desire, so they have their linguists feverishly working on a strategy to implement tithing without calling it that. Like shunning, they will claim that they don't, even though they do.
And now the elephant in the room: Loesch looks awful. Do they really think that his face will move the R&F to empty their wallets?
As for the movie studio, I think they are tossing dust in the air to generate excitement and possible donations. If I am wrong, call me out. Like Garrett, my skin is really thick.
BREAKING NEWS | Highlights of 2023 Worldwide Service Year Report
by Drearyweather inbreaking news | highlights of 2023 worldwide service year report.
on november 15, 2023, the service committee of the governing body shared highlights of the 2023 worldwide service year report with the bethel family.
the following exciting increases were announced: baptisms: during the 2023 service year, 269,517 persons were baptized.
Call me skeptical. WTC lacks transparency about all the problems they are experiencing, yet they shout loudly when they claim to be having any degree of success. Morale is low, especially at Bethel. I have to believe a report with some bright spots was needed desperately to curb the negative talk internally about the decline of the religion.
In this case, I seriously doubt that the numbers are accurate. The culture at WTC is well known - "Lying is OK when done for Kingdom interests".
OK - go ahead and say it - "Thomas - you were bound to say that no matter what the case!"
Well you are may be right. As a personal recipient of WTC lies, I distrust everything they say now. Like a hunting dog, I trust my nose to sniff out their lies, subterfuge, obfuscation and spin. And like WTC, I do not apologize.
Governing Body as an UNRELIABLE AUTHORITY and the Consequences of its Misjudgments
by Terry ini've been experimenting with artificial intelligence as a research tool and for its lightning quick ability to summarize and convert information about the watchtower org into an essay.
the following is the result of 2 separate text prompts.
the first is in the form of a final argument before a jury.the second is a breaking down of the analogy between legal liability in healthcare and tying it in with religious authoritymalpractice.
So are you saying that Marshall Applegate and his faithful followers DID NOT catch Hale-Bopp as it passed earth? Next you’ll be telling us that Scientology is stretching the truth!
Women in JW Ministry
by NotFormer inwomen make up the main population of the kingdom halls, and the pool of young males willing to step up to "serve" is drying up.
what is the likelihood of "new light" on jw women in ministry roles formerly held only by males?.
As I understand it, the hierarchy is:
baptized brothers
baptized sisters
unbaptized brothers
unbaptized sisters
potty trained children
babies in diapers
service dogs
plain dogs
tony morris
Women in JW Ministry
by NotFormer inwomen make up the main population of the kingdom halls, and the pool of young males willing to step up to "serve" is drying up.
what is the likelihood of "new light" on jw women in ministry roles formerly held only by males?.
DOYKL - I don’t think WTC was that long left, given what I am seeing. I could be wrong - but I don’t think I am.
by Bill Parker ini intend to show with this article that the man of lawlessness is the anti-christ and that the activity of this composite person is what constitutes the abomination of desolation.
this shows the anti-christ and the man of lawlessness to be one and the same composite person.
we have seen that the anti-christ exalts himself {not appointed by god} then we learned that the man of lawlessness takes his seat in the temple of god.
As a child, I was taught that Paul was talking about making out! Now WTC says it was “improper use of the sexual organs”!!!!!! What a shocker!!
We sure won’t be doing any of that stuff. No sir-eeeeee. None of that nonsense for us!!!!!!
Report from Cleveland Ohio CA Willoughby assembly hall
by nowwhat? inpre covid attendance 1300. i'm almost positive they didn't realign the circuit.. a multitude of 2 baptized.
1 adult one older teen males.
here's the kicker, they eliminated the pre deficit scam!!
WTC is seeing the inevitable collapse of the house of cards it built since 1889. More and more of the R&F now see how the jig is done - and they are rejecting it. Call it what you want, it is slow collapse. Like a giant train wreck played out in slow motion, each significant event shows fewer JWs actively involved.
Sure, there are still some diehards who long for the opportunity to prove how fast they can spin the hamster wheel, but they are in the minority by a wide margin. It takes lots of strong warm bodies to make this pseudo religion profitable and there is a shortage now like never before.
No more REPORTING field service!!!!!!!!!
by BoogerMan inthis is going to break the hearts of a lot of uber-jw's!
reddit has now removed the video link of samuel herd telling jw's they will no longer have to report time or placements - just tick a box which says "active.".
Biahi - I think the same thing. There was only sorrow in reporting so they dropped it. They want nothing reported that show the decline.