“Current needs” is operational needs for cash for CSA settlements and paying the bills.
WTC has yet to pay their share (or any share) of the restitution called for by the Australia Royal Commission’s for victims of child abuse. They have prioritized where the cash on hand will go and it isn’t the “scheme” designed for children who were victimized by members of the faith. Speculation is that they will make it impossible for the government to glean their assets so at present they can thumb their nose at them without concern. They drive over the cliff in Aussieland before they get pulled over.
Meanwhile, WTC is selling off assets in foreign lands and sending the proceeds back to Headquarters in the USA. This has the attention of those governments who take a dim view of draining assets from their citizenry. The consequences for doing this are severe yet WTC put financial mechanisms in place JUST for this purpose. No one in their right mind would do something so reckless unless they were desperate.
We could go on and on but logic tells us that they are hurting financially and are cutting corners with no hesitation to prevent a financial crash. This will not end well for them.