I do know that many attempts to serve subpoenas on the GB have them spooked. Evading is illegal but few ever get prosecuted for it -(can a lawyer chime in here).
In the minds of the GB, they are under attack as victims seek to depose them.
🎄 just thought this not former/vidiot back & forth deserved it's own christmas special !!!🎄.
vidiot6 days ago.
notformer - “…if he does attend a kingdom hall physically, i imagine there're some ‘security’ arrangements in place…”.
I do know that many attempts to serve subpoenas on the GB have them spooked. Evading is illegal but few ever get prosecuted for it -(can a lawyer chime in here).
In the minds of the GB, they are under attack as victims seek to depose them.
i’ve decided to disassociate from the jw organisation.
i cannot be part of a community that blatantly rejects the sacrifice of jesus in that demonic memorial ritual.
amazing what information you find when you start researching.. i’m writing my letter and posting it to the kingdom hall this morning.
At the risk of repeating myself, shunning me has been a GIFT! The toxicity of many JWs was over the top. When they stopped talking to me, it felt like someone removed thumb screws.
Although I am not an advocate for DAing, I understand the need for closure that someone may have.
Let me add that fading without an explanation DRIVES PIMIS CRAZY! Without a target, they expend a lot of energy and ammunition so that is a good thing IMO.
books & brochures.
enjoy life forever!—an interactive bible course.
Ted Jaracz was the original hardliner. I was told that many softer policies were rejected when he shut them down - almost singlehandedly. I find it implausible that Morris did the same but got ousted when Jaracz was even more of a hardliner AND had a standing, unaddressed accusation of molestation by Pat Garza.
Call me a skeptic, but the actions WTC took against Tony indicate that he did something so damaging that if known, could do irreparable damage. Normally when members get out of line, they just get kicked out to fend for themselves. Not so with Morris. He is a pariah to them, calling for a payoff for silence and an NDA, along with a degree of secrecy that even the Warren Commission would admire.
If Tony was just a pain in the a_ _ to them, trust me - we would have heard the details from these persecution complex whiners by now. It would be in their best interests to leak it as most R&F would be sympathetic for what the “dear GB” had to endure…
this topic i digress about why the watchtower relaxing the rules of disfellowship is essential for its survival.
many things i'm going to say are not my ideas, some are, the point is, i'm condensing everything in a logical and concise way.. the first thing we have to keep in mind is that the wt's main objective in instituting disfellowship has always been not to lose members because of the damage that a dissident could do, or to avoid gaining new members because of the bad reputation of a confessed sinner in the his/her region.
in the end, the more active members, the more money to the coffers.. in this case of disfellowship due to apostasy, to avoid any spark, texts were sought out of context that even prohibited saying "hi".
“Current needs” is operational needs for cash for CSA settlements and paying the bills.
WTC has yet to pay their share (or any share) of the restitution called for by the Australia Royal Commission’s for victims of child abuse. They have prioritized where the cash on hand will go and it isn’t the “scheme” designed for children who were victimized by members of the faith. Speculation is that they will make it impossible for the government to glean their assets so at present they can thumb their nose at them without concern. They drive over the cliff in Aussieland before they get pulled over.
Meanwhile, WTC is selling off assets in foreign lands and sending the proceeds back to Headquarters in the USA. This has the attention of those governments who take a dim view of draining assets from their citizenry. The consequences for doing this are severe yet WTC put financial mechanisms in place JUST for this purpose. No one in their right mind would do something so reckless unless they were desperate.
We could go on and on but logic tells us that they are hurting financially and are cutting corners with no hesitation to prevent a financial crash. This will not end well for them.
I haven’t seen evidence in proper context that any at WTC support Free Masonry. Until they get direction from the Plliades where the Creator resides, I doubt that they will. 😎
hi another kingsom hall is up for sale if you look in the rightmove property website and look for bradford in the uk you will see that its priced at £170,000.. but why should they need to be selling a kingdom hall off espically when they are not printing about 50 million magazines a month they vant be that short of money can they ?
I had a conversation with someone who knew the sequence of that colossal misinformation when they announced that more KHs were needed, then put all construction on hold and began selling off in earnest.
Within Bethel, the left hand did not know what the right was doing. Construction had not received the message that attendance was down and donations even worse. Of course no public explanation was ever provided but it caused a lot of anger inside God’s House.
It leads me to think that Treasury is not allowed to communicate as they should be. This is probably due to all the CSA settlements which have reeked havoc on cash flow.
on the watchtower website it says that most of the work that will be done fishkill will be out sourced to non jws .i thought that jws always used to build everything them selves.
this might explain what happend to ramapo they put an appeal out for free labour and people said no .
The new facility in Argentina was built by commercial non-JW contractors. I might add that the intended use has not been clearly communicated.
towards the end of this year, they managed to shock many on here and elsewhere with new resolutions, like publishers no longer having to record hours and now allowing men to grow beards without having to face judgement or judgemental behaviour.
but, as pointed out by a few, these amount to being not much more than cosmetic changes, one in administrative paperwork and the other in personal grooming habits.
the other major change announced in the leaked agm video is the possibility of being saved at the last minute.
A softened judicial trigger and process. WTC is losing many to questionable disfellowshippings. I don’t think they will stop DFing but the bar needs to be a lot higher to trigger a JC and more blatant behavior to result in expulsion.
It is possible that the provision for written Disassociation might be discarded as well. But this is in the stratosphere.
this topic i digress about why the watchtower relaxing the rules of disfellowship is essential for its survival.
many things i'm going to say are not my ideas, some are, the point is, i'm condensing everything in a logical and concise way.. the first thing we have to keep in mind is that the wt's main objective in instituting disfellowship has always been not to lose members because of the damage that a dissident could do, or to avoid gaining new members because of the bad reputation of a confessed sinner in the his/her region.
in the end, the more active members, the more money to the coffers.. in this case of disfellowship due to apostasy, to avoid any spark, texts were sought out of context that even prohibited saying "hi".
JWs are indeed in steep decline. In the 80’s and 90’s, the KHs were bursting and new ones were being built at breakneck pace.
Now WTC is selling KHs as quickly as the Org and the market will bear. The appraisals that occurred a few years ago laid the groundwork for more selling, and collateralizing the rest for much needed cash.
As intra-meeting photos indicate, attendance is DISMAL. The ones on ZOOM are not engaged as testified in many social media posts. ZOOM attendance is usually a precursor to fading.
Recent changes are also indicative of decline as the GB is softening requirements as an effort to retain publishers.
As Vidiot commented, WTC is known to lie blatantly. They have no shame. At a grass roots level, Secretaries are taking liberties to continue counting pubs as pubs. The future of their KH depends on the numbers.
Lets be honest: Watchtower is not selling KHs because the numbers are flat. They are selling because the numbers are declining. Now there is talk of the CO arrangement changing to local elders with no stipend. Does anyone actually think what is happening in the Org indicates strength?? If so, I have Sears stock you might be interested in.
i am not a bible translator not do i speak ancient greek or hebrew.. john 13: 35 nwt : 'by this all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love among yourselves '.. (curiously, this verse is not listed in the nwt index under the word 'disciples'.).
the biblehub interlinear reads : ' by this will know all that to me disciples you are if love you have among yourselves '.. could it actually mean, contrary to all bible translations, that it is jesus himself, and not people in general, who identifies his disciples because they show love among each other?.
Elderberry - that be the case in some locales but it is not the rule throughout the world, as I can personally testify. Sadly many so-called Christian denominations are also not welcoming.
In JWland, love-bombing is often very conditional and insincere. There are also exceptions but in general, JWs are devouring each other with criticism and contentions, not to mention unethical business dealing.