It's about what I expected, and some very good comments as well. By my estimations, the average value of their real estate was closer to $150K, which totals $10.5 BIL.
No-Zombie - you are probably spot on, but WTC has a poor track record for market decisions going back notably to 2008 when they lost money in the derivatives market. I don't think that is necessarily the play by the new Irish Asset Management Corp though.
Five years ago, WTC had all the KHs appraised. Appraisals are only valid for a short period so clearly they served more than one purpose. (1) It helped them prioritize the ones they intended to sell. (2) It helped them establish their gross worth so that they could negotiate for lower interest rates to meet monthly expenses since donations were decreasing steadily, practically crashing during Covid.
I don't think they actually used them as collateral to trade against, but it is clear that in some cases, banks did own the building when ownership abruptly changed hands, indicating that a substantial equity loan was in place. The current criteria for a cong to keep their KH seems to include meeting a minimal financial donation each month. This suggests that the KH has been collateralized. One Cong that I am aware of, recently had their monthly "donation" raised by 1/3. They were unable to keep up and the KH was sold. I suspect that WTC was hungily eyeing it for sale and may have gotten an enticing offer that sealed the deal.
Vidiot - your comment is powerful IMO. WTC has feared losing their tax status going back to the Jimmy Swaggart days when his organization was pursued by the IRS. Losing charitable status is THE way to bring WTC down. If they were forced to pay taxes in the U.S., they would dissolve faster than a packet of Splenda in hot water. Solving the national debt problem will eventually force the government to scrutinize pseudo-religions like WTC. It may be the untapped frontier for much needed revenue that saves (or stalls) the dollar from collapsing.
JeffT - I would like to hear more about your thoughts on how many KHs may be collateralized. Can you weigh in?
Journeyman - excellent points to consider! I think your thumb is on the pulse of WTC. I am no prophet, but I think that Ramapo is DOA based on what I hear from those in the know. It is now a placeholder for donations until it is isn't.