I thought this would be an appropriate place to post this latest info on Jesse Jackson, after all, he is a depressing individual to listen too.
> http://www.newsmaxstore.com/shakedown/article.cfm?refid=15
i thought this would be an appropriate place to post this latest info on jesse jackson, after all, he is a depressing individual to listen too.. > http://www.newsmaxstore.com/shakedown/article.cfm?refid=15
I thought this would be an appropriate place to post this latest info on Jesse Jackson, after all, he is a depressing individual to listen too.
> http://www.newsmaxstore.com/shakedown/article.cfm?refid=15
russell crowe's latest movie 'beautiful mind' is very good.
my wife and i and a few friends saw it tonight.
crowe's part is a real reversal compared to that of his role in gladiator.
Russell Crowe's latest movie 'Beautiful Mind' is very good. My wife and I and a few friends saw it tonight. Crowe's part is a real reversal compared to that of his role in Gladiator.
this is a great site to keep informed and not taken in by the latest scams.. > http://scambusters.com/
This is a great site to keep informed and not taken in by the latest scams.
dear friend,.
it is understandable that we americans feel an almost reflexive need for unanimity in trying times like these.
as a nation, we are rightly consumed with responding to the terrorist attacks on september 11th.
I heard about the report you mentioned as far as the tally of votes. I am skeptical not only of that report but those in favor of Bush. Hopefully next election things will be more organized and there will be no room for error.
To all who have posted in this thread,
I am wondering what your opinion is of Ethanol Expansion and production. In my city, the city board of directors and council are trying to get an ok on a new Ethanol plant. This plant would help the dwindling crop sales of corn in our area and boost the corn production and price for farmers that has fallen drastically over the years. One problem the farmers have had with producing crops such as corn is the water rationing and the price of water goes up it seems every year.
In your opinion, would Ethanol be a safe and inexpensive alternative for gas fuel, or is Ethanol nothing more than an additive for gasoline?
I worked in the grain industry for 10 years. I have seen crop prices rise and fall with the times. If Ethanol turned out to be a viable alternative, this could not only help the environment, but also the grain industry in the US.
dear friend,.
it is understandable that we americans feel an almost reflexive need for unanimity in trying times like these.
as a nation, we are rightly consumed with responding to the terrorist attacks on september 11th.
DCs Ghost,
[Quote]"Don't be swayed by the current state of our country to pass laws that will hurt us rather than beneifit us in the long run."
I agree with this. Many today vote for the moment and their pocket books and don't think how their vote will affect the future.
Clint Eastwood has my vote for president.
dear friend,.
it is understandable that we americans feel an almost reflexive need for unanimity in trying times like these.
as a nation, we are rightly consumed with responding to the terrorist attacks on september 11th.
What are you honestly doing to help save the environment?
I hear a lot of talk from politicians and actors about people needing to be more resourceful and needing to cut back on travel, electricity, etc,etc,etc. Talk is cheap! Do they follow their own advice? I would like to know what RR is actually doing in his own personal life to help save the planet.
dear friend,.
it is understandable that we americans feel an almost reflexive need for unanimity in trying times like these.
as a nation, we are rightly consumed with responding to the terrorist attacks on september 11th.
Where did you come up with the idea that Bush lost the final tally of votes? Even on the liberal stations here in California they were talking about how Bush won the vote count when it was all said and done.
I wonder how many cars Redford owns? Does he still own his own airplane? Does he walk or ride a bike to work? Hmmmmmm
dear friend,.
it is understandable that we americans feel an almost reflexive need for unanimity in trying times like these.
as a nation, we are rightly consumed with responding to the terrorist attacks on september 11th.
Redford should to stick to what he knows, making movies!
As far as those who live in mansions, if they worked for it, they deserve it, be it politician or actor.
i found this at indynews....it's time for america to stand up to george w. say 'i ain't yo bitch no mo, dubya!
' he is certainly trying to pimp us all out.
read and weep.
Looks like you and Cheney shop at the same mens store for suits.
i found this at indynews....it's time for america to stand up to george w. say 'i ain't yo bitch no mo, dubya!
' he is certainly trying to pimp us all out.
read and weep.
Well said larc. I actually liked Alan Keyes. He IMO was the best candidate and would have made the best President. He could tear a new back side into the clown nose Clinton and Bush put together in a debate. For the Democrats, Clinton was really intellegent, what I mean is that if you measure intellegence by how many lies can be told in a term, Clinton would be the man. The people that supported the dummy don't have much on the ball as far as I am concerned.
The Chinese and illegals benefited from the Clinton administration more than the American people.