Does a JW renounce or stop becoming a JW when dealing with subjects other than religion? If not, the JW remains an idiot.
Does a JW renounce or stop becoming a JW when dealing with subjects other than religion? If not, the JW remains an idiot.
on the subject of prayer: this is addressed to the more atheistic or agnostic ones amongst us.. now, all those years i prayed really hard when times were tough, and then things worked out.
i now believe it was my own hard work that gave the solutions.
prayer was helpful in that i felt i had help.
You said: By refering to charitable "funds" you minimize the problem and are passing the buck.
Please explain why donating to charitable funds to help others is passing the buck.
I am sure you fly to Africa and help feed the hungry in person. Give me a break!
on the subject of prayer: this is addressed to the more atheistic or agnostic ones amongst us.. now, all those years i prayed really hard when times were tough, and then things worked out.
i now believe it was my own hard work that gave the solutions.
prayer was helpful in that i felt i had help.
You said: I wonder why God helped you with your panic attack but doesn't help starving children in Africa. Does God love you more? Or are those starving Africans evil bastards who don't deserve help? Just wondering.
You obviously do not read the paper or look at the news. There are many funds set up for helping those that are in the predicament of those in Africa. Are you being a good humanitarian and doing what you can to help those without food, or are you just sitting on the sideline and bitching about the problem and blaming God?
as most of you know i am new to the world of the internet.
therefore i am new to the discussion board forum.
when i first entered simon's place, i did not fear to speak my mind.
Yes, you have changed, for the better! From what I have seen, you are a sincere poster on this forum and your insight is growing. You add reason and understanding to the topics I have seen you post on.
as i sat back thinking of some of the discussions i've had with witnesses over the years, one always stands out.
the issue of the trinity teaching, whereby father(jehovah), son(jesus), and holy spirit when combined equal one god.
a witness friend from work once said that it was an impossability, and was beyond human understanding.. i asked him what he thought we believed about the trinity, to which he responded with a math lesson.. 1 jehovah god + 1 jesus god + 1 holy spirit god = 3 gods, he went on to state that 1 + 1 + 1 can never equal 1 god, it always equals 3. to which i added a little math lesson i learned as a child.. 1 jehovah god x 1 jesus god x 1 holy spirit god can equal 1 almighty god.
hello java,
I do not see that the boundaries have changed at all in what I said. History has repeated itself over and over. I did not have anything to do with this, it just happens.
Also, what has been recorded as world history (is) just a fragment of the times of the past. No boundaries have been changed.
as i sat back thinking of some of the discussions i've had with witnesses over the years, one always stands out.
the issue of the trinity teaching, whereby father(jehovah), son(jesus), and holy spirit when combined equal one god.
a witness friend from work once said that it was an impossability, and was beyond human understanding.. i asked him what he thought we believed about the trinity, to which he responded with a math lesson.. 1 jehovah god + 1 jesus god + 1 holy spirit god = 3 gods, he went on to state that 1 + 1 + 1 can never equal 1 god, it always equals 3. to which i added a little math lesson i learned as a child.. 1 jehovah god x 1 jesus god x 1 holy spirit god can equal 1 almighty god.
I enjoyed your analogies of the Trinity. They make sense. In my last post, I should have mentioned that I have seen and been in many debates and discussions about the Trinity and what usually happens is that both sides, pro and con, end up in a flame war that turns into personal attacks. These wars have been on so called christian forums. This is why I say that pushing the Trinity doctrine as something everyone needs to comprehend and accept, is not essential in order to have a relationship with God.
"it is not to be presumed that the prince of darkness will suffer the binding influences of the new prince, which are now at work to fetter his power without a struggle.
his rage will spend its force in distressing mankind in various ways, for he knoweth that he hath but a short time.
" 1884wtwr 03 01 07. well, that is as it may be, but we can now say without a doubt that this "short time" which the watchtower taught back in 1884 was nearly over is still 117 years later - taught by the watchtower to be in progress... "all know something of the failure of brother miller's expectations.
Once again, another very informative post of yours. I am passing the info on to others that will use it on their forums.
"it is not to be presumed that the prince of darkness will suffer the binding influences of the new prince, which are now at work to fetter his power without a struggle.
his rage will spend its force in distressing mankind in various ways, for he knoweth that he hath but a short time.
" 1884wtwr 03 01 07. well, that is as it may be, but we can now say without a doubt that this "short time" which the watchtower taught back in 1884 was nearly over is still 117 years later - taught by the watchtower to be in progress... "all know something of the failure of brother miller's expectations.
Try this link:
"it is not to be presumed that the prince of darkness will suffer the binding influences of the new prince, which are now at work to fetter his power without a struggle.
his rage will spend its force in distressing mankind in various ways, for he knoweth that he hath but a short time.
" 1884wtwr 03 01 07. well, that is as it may be, but we can now say without a doubt that this "short time" which the watchtower taught back in 1884 was nearly over is still 117 years later - taught by the watchtower to be in progress... "all know something of the failure of brother miller's expectations.
Go to:
if you are interested in obtaining Greg Staffords laughable book JWs Defended.