i have no doubt that Jehovah exists after all Abraham was a genius who invented Arithmetic and since Abraham lived in Ur he would have been an Astrologer [there were no Astronomers] so being a genius Abraham would not have become a tribal savage as Jehovah wanted him to do, Jehovah told him to form the Jewish tribal savages according to the stars so Abraham prepared the twelve tribes for the twelve sun signs. Abraham who was a civilized highly educated genius then obeyed this Jehovah who appeared to him in whatever form to give birth to roaming footless tribal herdsmen. Now Abraham had such faith in Jehovah that he was prepared to sacrifice his only son at an advanced age when he had little chance of producing another. people that are extraordinary whether good such as Jesus Christ or bad such as Hitler are simply disregarded as mentally deranged, but this is childishly simplistic as no one who is mentally deranged has influenced history.. When they die they are always forgotten. How did Jehovah then act? He favoured Able a herdsman over Cain a farmer, so obviously Jehovah prefers tribal herdsmen over even farmers. Jehovah said that the tribal Jews would be his people and Jehovah their God.so unless you are a tribal Jew of the bloodline of Abraham you are not part of the people of Jehovah.
Jesus Christ of course had nothing but abuse for the tribal Jews and their Priests, so that the Jews spread the lie that Jesus was the illegitimate son of a hated Roman Centurion and it was easy to demand his crucifixion. So all this is very much more complicated and cannot be discarded so easily by simplistic science. Some of you have stated that Jehovah does not talk to them, in the Bible it states in the last books of the Old Testament that Jehovah no longer was talking or communicating with the Jewish tribal priesthood.
So since we are not tribal herdsmen Jehovah will no longer communicate with us we will have to look to Jesus Christ who associated with Jews of impure blood in Galilee and other nationalities to spread his message, which he knew would never be accepted by the Jews under Jehovah.