JoinedPosts by anointed1
A serious question for any who believe in any God of any religion who think God is interested in humans.
by smiddy inthe world health organization states that in the year 2015 ,5.9 million children died under the age of 5 years of age.. in 2010 the death rate for children under the age of 5 years of age was 7.6 million.
thats over 13 million in just 2 years .
i dont think you need to be a rocket scientist to conclude that since mankind has been on the earth for however long you want to believe and i`m just going on a conservative estimate of 6000 years by the above figures i quoted their would be billions of children under 5 yearsof age that would have died.
A serious question for any who believe in any God of any religion who think God is interested in humans.
by smiddy inthe world health organization states that in the year 2015 ,5.9 million children died under the age of 5 years of age.. in 2010 the death rate for children under the age of 5 years of age was 7.6 million.
thats over 13 million in just 2 years .
i dont think you need to be a rocket scientist to conclude that since mankind has been on the earth for however long you want to believe and i`m just going on a conservative estimate of 6000 years by the above figures i quoted their would be billions of children under 5 yearsof age that would have died.
I also wanted to add the following:
When you see only the death of hapless children, death becomes a big issue. But numerous deaths are happening within our body also—a fact that prompted Heraclitus to declare: “No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it's not the same river and he's not the same man.” He knew that all things are in motion and nothing is at rest and everything is always changing in every respect. People with whom we often interact are not the same today because today their circumstances are different, their experiences are different, their attitudes are different … even the very basic unit of life—cells—are not the same today. “Your body is constantly replacing old cells with new ones at the rate of millions per second. By the time you finish reading this sentence, 50 million of your cells will have died and been replaced by others.” e/yourbody/whatdoyourcellsdo/howoftenareyourcellsreplaced)
A serious question for any who believe in any God of any religion who think God is interested in humans.
by smiddy inthe world health organization states that in the year 2015 ,5.9 million children died under the age of 5 years of age.. in 2010 the death rate for children under the age of 5 years of age was 7.6 million.
thats over 13 million in just 2 years .
i dont think you need to be a rocket scientist to conclude that since mankind has been on the earth for however long you want to believe and i`m just going on a conservative estimate of 6000 years by the above figures i quoted their would be billions of children under 5 yearsof age that would have died.
Dear Smiddy,
There is life and there is death. Simple facts. Society thrives on gaining life out of the "claws" of death. For the ordinary person, the enemy to conquer is death and our scientific improvements are allowing this “battle” to be a “hard battle.” The duality of life and death has the same premises as the one of Good and Evil. Another duality.
For someone with greater awareness, life means to die at every second. In this type of awareness, life is as a strawberry shortcake and as we live we eat pieces of that cake, until there is none. That is death. That reminds me of Depeche Mode’s song “Fly on the windscreen.”
"Death is everywhere
There are lambs for the slaughter
Waiting to die
And I can sense
The hours slipping by
Tonight."In this type of consciousness, we are aware of being an ignited candle, which will burn away, someday… However, if life is about dying, then dying should be about living… says Ecclesiasticus 17:1. Simple premise from the understanding of duality.
It is like we feeling Sun moving through the horizon. That is the perception. Then night comes and we see the Sun disappearing under the waters of the Ocean. That is death.
But it comes back again the next day. That is life. Notice that in the world of forms, everything that exists is change. Our perception of that change from the seat of the observer, will be totally different than the experience of the Sun itself. That is, if the Sun had consciousness. Once the Sun becomes conscious of itself, then it can know its true size, color and destiny.
An intellectual could ask, what is the purpose, the reason of the Sun being there?
That is a meaningless question in the realm of life, but a question with a lot of meaning in the realm of the intellectual understanding of life.There is no purpose, no reason. Only the one you give. Life is a dream. When dreaming, a dream is life. To wake up means to die from that dream.
Death brings life again.. and life, death. That is the duality of life and death. -
Serpent in the Garden of Eden is not Satan
by anointed1 inmany interpret serpent in the garden of eden as the satan hence miss the whole point because satan himself does not exist.
he is a fictional character [for example, in the temptation account, satan is shown as reflecting the erroneous belief of ancient time that shape of earth is flat, thus taking jesus to the top of “a very high mountain” and showed him “all the kingdoms of the world and their splendor.” (mathew 4:8, 9) the fact that jesus did not correct the mistaken view of satan shows the account of temptation is allegorical.
further, jesus knew that satan was only a personification of evil (mathew 16:23; john 6:70) and categorically declared that “all evil thoughts proceed from one’s heart,” not from satan.
Many interpret serpent in the garden of Eden as the Satan hence miss the whole point because Satan himself does not exist. He is a fictional character [For example, in the temptation account, Satan is shown as reflecting the erroneous belief of ancient time that shape of earth is flat, thus taking Jesus to the top of “a very high mountain” and showed him “all the kingdoms of the world and their splendor.” (Mathew 4:8, 9) The fact that Jesus did not correct the mistaken view of Satan shows the account of temptation is allegorical. Further, Jesus knew that Satan was only a personification of evil (Mathew 16:23; John 6:70) and categorically declared that “all evil thoughts proceed from one’s heart,” not from Satan. (Mark 7:21; James 1:14). There is nothing unusual with personification as Bible personifies even material riches. (Mathew 6:24)] Hence one has to look for the truth behind the Edenic details. Truth is that for a period, there was no sin; then sin entered. Sin means to wander away from God. Sin would invite trouble (as though bruising of the heel) which would ultimately motivate the practitioner to crush the head of serpent (sin). This sequence is nicely brought out by Jesus in the illustration of prodigal son who sought sin which resulted in misery (as though bruising the heel) which in turn motivated him to return to his father (as though head of the sin crushed).
Interestingly, Ecclesiasticus 21:2, 3 present serpent as the ‘symbol of sin and as two-edged sword’ because effect of sin is like venom of the serpent, and again effect is on two people—on the doer and the recipient of the action (as in theft, lie, rape ….you weaken your own soul first and make other person suffer too). Sin happens when one forgets the truth that all are children of God. Hence antidote to sin is remembering the truth that all are children of God, hence to be treated accordingly. Such a remembrance is within everyone’s power. Hence we find expression such as ‘conquer sin and earn your inheritance.’ (Ecclesiasticus 15:15; Proverbs 11:18; Revelation 22:11, 12, 14, 15; Mathew 7:21-23) Thus original idea is all about earning the right—not grace (Habakuk 2:4; Hebrews 10:38; Luke 18:14; Revelation 21:7) by being “meek” which means imitation of God’s attitude of treating everyone alike. (Mathew 5:5, 44-48; 1 Pet 5:6) To be meek, one doesn’t have to possess a perfect body—even when one is bodily weak, he can be perfect in manifesting unconditional love because many have done that in history.
put youir thinking caps on.
by zeb inthis was sent to me from doug shields blog.
for those who like stats and numbers may find this of interest.. 1914 – recognizing the ”the elephant in the room”.
the problem with the date ”1914 ad” lays with the two calendars that are involved – jewish and gregorian.
Calendar calculation has its problem. Gregorian Calendar is actually a refinement of Julian calendar involving a 0.002% correction in the length of the year. According to Latin, September (9th), October (10th), November (11th), and December (12th) are, respectively, the names of the 7th (“sept…”), 8th (“oct…”), 9th (“nov…”) and 10th (“dec…”) months – which is what they were, in the 10-month early-Roman year (which started at the spring Equinox, in “March”)… Subsequently, Julius Caesar switched to the 12-month/year calendar (invented at least a thousand years earlier by the Egyptians), adding the two additional months where we now have January (named after the two-headed Roman “god of beginnings, guardian of gates and doors, custodian of the universe”, Janus) and February (named after the Roman festival Februa, remnants of which are now in our Valentine’s day, basically a fertility festival “sanitized” by Christian “moralists”). Unfortunately, however, by adding the two months at the beginning of the year, then the numbered months 5 through 12 were “misnumbered”.
God’s silence teaches more than what the “revealed scriptures” do!
by anointed1 inobjective reading of scriptures can see many human thoughts in them.
objective analysis of religions would show that they exist primarily for their own benefit.
is science too travelling in the same direction?
I will not make a comment about any organization until and unless I personally examine them, and I am going to make a first hand examination.
God’s silence teaches more than what the “revealed scriptures” do!
by anointed1 inobjective reading of scriptures can see many human thoughts in them.
objective analysis of religions would show that they exist primarily for their own benefit.
is science too travelling in the same direction?
I also want to add the following:
People who have been deceived by those who pretended to be God’s friends would prefer to talk about materialism.
However, I have never been deceived by any falsely called friends of God—hence I see a prism as prism, not as colored by the things behind the prism. Materialism cannot satisfy everyone because humans are not satisfied by mere survival. Survival is what animals seek; man is more than animal; man seeks freedom, pleasure,
art, ingenuity, ….. and on and on. Moreover, he has thirsts for justice and unconditional love—which cannot be fulfilled by any amount of material accomplishments. Superficial though, Spinoza called it confused thought. Make a list of all your pleasures. Then, maybe you’ll see even farther than Spinoza saw: pleasure (happiness) is just a signal telling you that you and the species are surviving; pain is signal that tells you to avoid further/future harm which of course is a mechanism that serves a good purpose.
Even death serves a good purpose. Ecclesiasticus 14:12, 13 says “remembering death enables one to perform good acts.” This fact has been discerned by many people such as Steve Jobs (the Father of the Digital Revolution & the cofounder of APPLE) declared: “Remembering that I'll be dead soon is the most important tool I've ever encountered to help me make the big choices in life. Because almost everything - all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure - these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important.”
Just because you were bitten by a dog on your way, why stop the journey? Try big picture—everything will fall in place.
God’s silence teaches more than what the “revealed scriptures” do!
by anointed1 inobjective reading of scriptures can see many human thoughts in them.
objective analysis of religions would show that they exist primarily for their own benefit.
is science too travelling in the same direction?
If you and punkofnice felt that the profound reasoning I made in the OP reminded you of Brahmakumaris, then I should examine who they are and what their teachings. Thank you for informing that such an organization exists!
God’s silence teaches more than what the “revealed scriptures” do!
by anointed1 inobjective reading of scriptures can see many human thoughts in them.
objective analysis of religions would show that they exist primarily for their own benefit.
is science too travelling in the same direction?
Jehovah God and Jesus Christ the difference in the "Old Testament " and the "New Testament"
by smiddy inwhen you compare all the communications jehovah god had with humans whether it was by angels ,dreams ,or prophets as well as his intervention in human affairs when it suited him and their are many examples in the old testament to look at for about 4000 years .
the same cannot be said for jesus christ as king of kings to sit on the throne to rule over the earth for a thousand years.
in one sense he was king of christians 2000 years ago in another sense according to jw`s he was enthroned in 1914-18 for the next 1000 years.. whether you believe he was king over christians on his ascencion to heaven or his enthronement in 1914-18 for 2000 + years we have not had any communication from either god jehovah or christ jesus in any form one way or another.for the past 2000 years.. for the first 4000 years you couldnt shut jehovah up ,and the next 2000 years you dont here a beep out of jehovah or christ jesus.. for jw apologists when god gave a ruling/decree in the old testament how many times did he adjust /redefine/change what he said using the excuse "the light gets brighter and brighter" ?
Even the 1st Century communication is attributed to him. If he had really communicated with his people, he would not have used phrase such as "Look, I am coming soon!” (Revelation 22:7). If one knew he was not going to come even after 2000 years, his original wording should have been very different. That means wordings, concepts were all put into his mouth by human writers.