Evolution has no need for an "intelligent designer". There is no question that cannot be answered by naturalistic methods. Methodological Naturalism is the bedrock of science.
No question that can't be answered? We are still unable to create plants and animals out of nothing or show the exact recipe of chance, chemicals, etc that resulted in all we see. As soon as humans start creating life from scratch, from just chemicals that would have existed as the start of earth, then I might believe that. But your argument to me is like saying anything with a recipe can spontaneous appear, a chocolate cake, apple pie. Let's see on an apple pie, white gets ground up into flour by falling down and rocks rubbing against it, then gets some water, becomes dough, and a tree falls down and flattens it, then some apples not too far away fell down and rolled over and sharp rocks happened to cut them up and they land atop the dough. cinnamon and sugar find their way into it, then a tree falls down hits the rock the partially done pie was on, it catapults to a nearby forest fire that has been dying down, and the hot embers cook it. Now this pie is IMPOSSIBLE for humans to make, but all those random acts of nature made it. And then from that apple turnovers, apple bread, apple dumpling, etc.
All the billions of life happened to have these coincidences happen, but yet we can't do it. Why is it we can duplicate and improve upon anything in nature except having to do with life? As soon as we start designing from scratch all types of animal and plant life, which should be a piece of cake since everything on earth just happened by chance like my apple pie example, it should be super easy for us to do it all.
All science has shown is the similarities and links to life. And the 'exisiting' life evolving.