OneGenTwoGroups, you are so right.
I am shocked how so many ExJWs have gone even farther right than as a Witness.
I became repulsed by the misogynistic, homophobic, anti-government, intolerant, leave it to beaver attitudes that were the norm in JW world. It was a big part of what woke me up. I just could not take it what is really prejudice and hate covered in the sugar coating of the "paradise".
In truth it is you who are still in the JW world. Believing in fantasies and unrealistic utopias, but instead of just waiting for it to happen on it's own, when the left tries to implement changes and destroys countries by it's unrealistic ideals. "No borders! Everybody is welcome! We have unlimited money! Take more money from the wealthy and give to the poor, the wealth will still be motivated to continue what was successful and they won't leave this country! Don't discriminate against felons, criminal records shouldn't play a part in who you hire at your business! Let the entire world have asylum here, if we run out of money we'll find someone else to tax more! Statistics are misognistic, racist, phobic nazis, ignore statistics, ignore cultures, everybody is a good person and no need to protect yourself ever! Don't worry if other religions and countries kill people over homosexual relationships, bring them all here, they will integrate right away!"