I also love how high tech Russia got and how they rigged the voting machines and stuff to make Trump win.
Actually no they didn't, if everything claimed is true, what they did was create many troll accounts and spread fake news (and any idiots who voted based on social media and fake news websites are morons who shouldn't vote anyway), JUST LIKE THE DEMOCRATS AND LEFT had been doing such as all those fake hate attacks to rally support for them, etc, and hacked into democrat email server to leak the illegal and unethical things they were doing. If they did no wrong, then the leaked emails would not have hurt them at all. So thank you Russia for helping counteract what the left was trying to do to get votes by deceit, illegal voters, etc. And I don't blame Russia for doing it either, since Killary was warmongering Russia. If somebody running for president in any country is warmongering and eager to start a war and another candidate wants peace, then I don't see that country as tampering with sacred voting process if they create troll accounts. Don't warmonger then maybe they wouldn't care.