There is a valid REASON why politics more than anything can ruin friendships that nobody mentioned.
Unlike religion and general beliefs in which a person can have them and keep it to themselves, politics then govern the laws and policies of your town, state, and country. So come next elections, if a super liberal got elected, who opened borders, and started turning the USA into the shit storm Sweden/Germany/Paris etc has been turning into, AFTER being warned, then any left/lib friends who said, "O crap, well we just have to live with this now. We had no idea this would happen. This is just common life around the world", I'd say your a $%$% idiot now I have to pay the price for your stupidity.
People who told all Trump voters to unfriend them, etc, all were claiming the right was going to start concentration camps for gays, Trump was going to start nuclear wars, media lied about the stock market crash immediately before the election claiming it was lowering on the fraction of a % chance that Trump would win when in reality it was dropping on the chance of Hillary winning, etc. So thus far, the left has been shown to be completely wrong and dumb about what would happen if Trump was elected, but we don't have to have had Bernie or Hillary elected to know what would have happened had they been elected, we only need to look at the European countries that went extremely left for a preview of what we had in store for us. Yet those idiots are still trying and hoping to get one of them in next round.