We really need somebody who can do a really good stephen lett impersonation to dress up and makeup, etc. Then have a sesame street episode with him teaching elmo to obey the elders like this, and "the letter of day is G! What word starts with G elmo? God. Yes, and do we obey God? Yes. Do you know what other word starts with G? No. Why its governing body! So since God starts with G and we obey God, that means since G starts with governing body......we obey the governing body"
JoinedPosts by Bad_Wolf
Broadcasting august, clown Lett about painting the K-hall
by Gorbatchov indid you see the performance of stephen lett on august broadcasting?.
the illustration of painting the kingdom hall?.
used for explaining that you have to listen to elders even when they are totaly wrong?.
Oct 2018 study WT trying to whitewash and change what happened on Rutherfords takeoever
by Bad_Wolf incheck out the oct 2018 wt study on 100 years since 1918. .
"at this meeting, held on january 5, 1918, several prominent men who had been dismissed from bethel attempted to gain control of the organization.
richard h. barber, a faithful traveling overseer, opened the meeting with prayer.
I think wiki might have the entire jailing story.
Then I forgot offhand but I have them downloaded somewhere,but as for Rutherfords takeover those rutherford kicked out wrote a brochure of their side of the story and then rutherford published his side of the story. Good to read both sides.
Then again as for the jailing story, since I can remember they were imprisoned because of catholics against their preaching, then they were 'vindicated' and released. I think since they know that people are starting and able to look this stuff up, that's why nothing in the article about how and why they were eventually released, because it didn't fit their narrative.
Oct 2018 study WT trying to whitewash and change what happened on Rutherfords takeoever
by Bad_Wolf incheck out the oct 2018 wt study on 100 years since 1918. .
"at this meeting, held on january 5, 1918, several prominent men who had been dismissed from bethel attempted to gain control of the organization.
richard h. barber, a faithful traveling overseer, opened the meeting with prayer.
Check out the oct 2018 Wt study on 100 years since 1918.
"At this meeting, held on January 5, 1918, several prominent men who had been dismissed from Bethel attempted to gain control of the organization. Richard H. Barber, a faithful traveling overseer, opened the meeting with prayer. After a report on the preceding year’s work, the annual election of directors was held. Brother Barber nominated Joseph Rutherford and six other brothers. Then an attorney who sided with the opposers nominated seven other men, including the ones who had been dismissed from Bethel. They were defeated. By an overwhelming majority, the shareholders elected Brother Rutherford and six other faithful brothers to be directors." - nothing here about how Rutherford got elected as a neutral option since he was new, and expected to be obeyed and have absolute control when Franz wanted power shared, and rutherford kicked them out then elected his own puppet replacements.
And I like this oxymoron in the article too, "E. F. Crist, a traveling overseer in Canada, told of a couple who had read The Finished Mystery and accepted the truth in only five weeks". What in "the finished mystery" is still accepted as 'truth' by the WT?
The rest of the article gives cherry picked details of how Rutherford gets jailed, then it ends. No details of how and why they got released.
Some thoughts on the message of doom
by JeffT inone of the recent threads on the talk about the hailstone message got me to thinking.
the problem with putting out a message like that is what to do when nothing happens.
i have to think that somebody will be asking that question.
Since they are doing away with print, people will need to keep digital copies. They can just change anything and pretend it never existed. W/ the digital, they'll prob eventually say the old digital stuff are edited with apostate lies, etc.
The boasters are the worst
by stillin inmy elder brother-in-law has always led his life the best possible way.
his talents make others' talents look piddly.
his kids are the brightest high-achievers within a hundred mile radius.
Sound familiar? Watchtower criticizes those who pursue higher education BUT they have no problem USING those skills you have to benefit them (doctors, lawyers, nurses, engineers, etc.)
And they have no problem trying to guilt you into going in extra debt to give them money. "Don't do anything to earn extra money, but make sure you put giving us your money ahead of everything else!"
Broadcasting august, clown Lett about painting the K-hall
by Gorbatchov indid you see the performance of stephen lett on august broadcasting?.
the illustration of painting the kingdom hall?.
used for explaining that you have to listen to elders even when they are totaly wrong?.
The elders are instructed to obey the GB without question. Members to obey elders without question. THen the GB and friends who own remodelings companies get ready. GB tells the elders they need to remodel their KH at a premium, they will provide everything at a premium. The congregation must accept without question and to give the GB a higher profit margin, they must purchase their own paintbrushes and do all the work for free. Somebody has to pay for all those rings Stephen Lett has!
Has Politics Hurt Your Friendships?
by minimus inif you want to believe that jehovah’s witnesses have the truth, that’s your right.
if you want to believe in global warming being the most horrific thing we have to face,that’s your right.
have you been adversely affected by political stands and beliefs?
There is a valid REASON why politics more than anything can ruin friendships that nobody mentioned.
Unlike religion and general beliefs in which a person can have them and keep it to themselves, politics then govern the laws and policies of your town, state, and country. So come next elections, if a super liberal got elected, who opened borders, and started turning the USA into the shit storm Sweden/Germany/Paris etc has been turning into, AFTER being warned, then any left/lib friends who said, "O crap, well we just have to live with this now. We had no idea this would happen. This is just common life around the world", I'd say your a $%$% idiot now I have to pay the price for your stupidity.
People who told all Trump voters to unfriend them, etc, all were claiming the right was going to start concentration camps for gays, Trump was going to start nuclear wars, media lied about the stock market crash immediately before the election claiming it was lowering on the fraction of a % chance that Trump would win when in reality it was dropping on the chance of Hillary winning, etc. So thus far, the left has been shown to be completely wrong and dumb about what would happen if Trump was elected, but we don't have to have had Bernie or Hillary elected to know what would have happened had they been elected, we only need to look at the European countries that went extremely left for a preview of what we had in store for us. Yet those idiots are still trying and hoping to get one of them in next round.
Just saw the film, "Apostasy"
by Bad_Wolf init was a very good film but not fully what i was expecting.
a jw could even watch it, i don't think the title fit the movie.
there was absolutely nothing about apostasy, nor do i recall the word even being mentioned.
I was going to reply I know from a director interview by Cedars on youtube it was a recently sold KH. I don't remember any mention of interior being a different place, I thought he said they had to furnish it because it was already gutted or maybe they did do interior elsewhere.
Here is what silly looks like
by Sour Grapes infor shits and grins, i looked at an online sunday meeting a few days ago on youtube.
i was in disbelieve on just how silly everything looks with the watchtower reader reading from his little iphone and the watchtower conductor holding up his iphone to ask the questions.
then the conductor asked the reader to read a bible verse and of course, he reads from his little phone.
With those major changes about reading from the computer, etc. Those little nitpicking things elders and the WT org do about every little thing NONE of which they can even quote a scripture for. Just shows how full of themselves they are and what they really mean to say is "Obey us or die", "Obeying Jehovah means obeying us meaning we are Jehovah, every time you hear the word Jehovah, replace it with us (the elders, GB, etc)".
Just saw the film, "Apostasy"
by Bad_Wolf init was a very good film but not fully what i was expecting.
a jw could even watch it, i don't think the title fit the movie.
there was absolutely nothing about apostasy, nor do i recall the word even being mentioned.
Very cringy.
It was very cringy. Parts of it gave me the same feeling I would get if I heard somebody scratching their nails on a chalkboard.