On Russell I think he may have been sincere. Rutherford absolutely not. The way he claimed he had God's authority, all commands from Jesus not him, his prophecy of 1925, the princes, etc. Then how vehemently he denied making those and blaming everybody else when it was in print. Then how he went to seize more control and kick out any who point out his lies and false prophesies. Rutherford knew he was full of shit and laughed all the way to the bank with his first class lifestyle.
JoinedPosts by Bad_Wolf
The Jehovah's Witnesses religion founded upon aggressive opportunistic people.
by Finkelstein intaking a reflective look back onto the founders of the jw religion such as c t russell and j rutherford we can see very opportunistic people who were avowed to themselves more so than being actual true bible interpreters and adherents.. indication of that is just how closed in these men were in their individually devised theology such as pyramidology, end times doctrine, jesus has returned and so on, where there was no effort to substantiate these claims from outside sources by other christian religious organizations .. c t russell was not an trained bible theologian by any imagination he just absorbed any outside information that he thought was engaging or provocatively interesting and went about publishing what others had found or expressed.
j rutherford was one these people who was lured into what russell was preaching and saw what the wts was as a publishing house and grab it including the money that russell had put into it.. the literature circulation and distribution continued on from him, what is realized now is the wts/jws preaching gospel work is not an faithfully accurate preaching according to scripture.
more or less the wts leaders created a working cult around its own public sales representatives in the pretense of preaching the gospel of jesus christ.
Had a family member try to initiate shunning but now they are settling for no religious discussion, notice how I did that....
by Bad_Wolf ini think this can help some people.
i had a family member who due to holiday issues, felt they had to start shunning me unless i returned to the religion.
and you know they think those of us who leave still believe it's the truth and we are choosing to willfully rebel against god, etc.
Even with family Steve2? Close family that is. Extended family who never were really in my life anyway did what you said, but I don't care about them anyway.
Had a family member try to initiate shunning but now they are settling for no religious discussion, notice how I did that....
by Bad_Wolf ini think this can help some people.
i had a family member who due to holiday issues, felt they had to start shunning me unless i returned to the religion.
and you know they think those of us who leave still believe it's the truth and we are choosing to willfully rebel against god, etc.
I think this can help some people.
I had a family member who due to holiday issues, felt they had to start shunning me unless I returned to the religion. And you know they think those of us who leave still believe it's the truth and we are choosing to willfully rebel against God, etc. They believe shunning shows those who leave the wrongness.
I was refusing to return and we also know they won't listen to anything negative we say either. So then I reasoned and thought having THEM find the answers themselves. I told them they believe and preach to others to research the origins and early teachings of their religions and even holidays. That even if holidays are good or christian today, they tell others they need to know the origins.
I told them if they are preaching and people must know the origins of things they do from thousands of years ago, to then be unwilling to look up the origins of your own religion going back 150 years is very hypocritical. I said there are 2 ways this can end between us. Either they research several questions I had, one was "Today it's taught the Governing Body are God's mouthpiece and only the truth can come from them and in their organization. From the beginning of the religion, what did Russell teach, what changes did Rutherford make, what happened when Rutherford died, and down to today? You research and tell me the evolution of that belief, how it was scriptual, etc."
Several things like that. I told them THEN they can understand and tell me how I am wrong.
OR OPTION #2 - There are many jws who associate with those who left, who do not agree with the shunning policy. I know some whose parents only remove the religious talks but treat as family. So option 2 is if you are afraid you'd end up like me (and honestly you probably would), then just agree that religion and God is each our own business and we respect eachother to make our own choices, but still be family.They later decided that we will continue to be as a family and not talk about anything religious.
When they presented their ultimatum, I reasoned that they should do the same research I had done, and I even quoted some articles too, so I think they couldn't deny it was reasonable, but also they are afraid, so settling on not shunning and we just don't discuss religious stuff.
See how it goes long term but shared this as that reasoning may help others as well.
I also make clear that every publication and watchtower or awake are pdf scanned on the internet so research can be done on only WT literature. -
Business class for Governing Body
by Sergey Antonov inhello everyone!
does anyone have any confirmation that the governing body uses the business class for its flights?.
also interesting is the information about the hours that were on the hand of one of the members of the governing body..
Wonder what they got for pushing those tablets
GcMAF - cure or major treatment for autoimmune disease, cancer, autism, etc, and being suppressed or hype?
by Bad_Wolf insince most people in this group have been taught how to research and fact check with our jw history and getting out, this is a topic that can be constructive to check out.
i stumbled upon this and spent some time researching it, and it's quite interesting.
it's part of your immune system, gcmaf.
Anybody ever heard of black elderberry or using it for flu, etc? It's ONLY getting more or less well known now only because of word of mouth. Studies had been done by doctors and tons of testimonials from people. With no cure for flu, and the best 'man man medication' on the planet being tamiflu, which almost does nothing and still takes 5 or more days to work. Black elderberry makes most symptom free within 48 hours. I've used it for years. Almost was admitted to hospital then I got it, and hours later major improvements. Why is this natural remedy that is stronger and better than the best medication for flu, not well known or used in the medical industry? Even with many studies as well which is rare for natural remedies.
And for the most part doctors are not the bad guys. Doctors who prescribe or use natural remedies that may be better than any medications can often get in trouble.
Back or original post, Cofty- did you not look at the 69 studies on https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/? I never got a memo that that was a conspiracy website. -
Russian gunman raised in JW family
by Alex Bogdanov inthe link bellow is sort of ok. i could not find a decent article in english language about this, but russian media is exploding.
2 days ago a teenager killed 19 people and injured dozens and committed suicide.
he was raised in a jw family.
"The Creator’s promise of a peaceful and secure new world before the generation that saw the events of 1914 passes away."
GcMAF - cure or major treatment for autoimmune disease, cancer, autism, etc, and being suppressed or hype?
by Bad_Wolf insince most people in this group have been taught how to research and fact check with our jw history and getting out, this is a topic that can be constructive to check out.
i stumbled upon this and spent some time researching it, and it's quite interesting.
it's part of your immune system, gcmaf.
Since most people in this group have been taught how to research and fact check with our JW history and getting out, this is a topic that can be constructive to check out.
I stumbled upon this and spent some time researching it, and it's quite interesting. It's part of your immune system, GcMAF. Doctors and scientists noted that those with autoimmune, hiv, cancer, etc, have low number of this and elevated nagalese.
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/?term=gcmaf on this official source you will find 69 studies and publications done on this with multiple sclerosis, chronic fatigue, various cancers, lupus, autism, etc.Even though nagalese will stop your body from producing more GcMAF, the doctors and scientists checked into injecting GcMAF and in many of those conditions and other research you can conduct, you'll find from major improvements to complete reversals and symptom free.
Is FDA and other organizations and regulatory agencies encouraging further research and/or looking into this? Instead, denials, shutting down doctors who have been using it, shutting down producers, making it illegal, and look up dr. bradsheet, or a facebook group called remembering dr. bradsheet. He was using it to treat autism, on the facebook group you can find patients of his who posted pictures and told their stories. His office raided w/ search warrants for GcMAF and everything related, and he was found dead floating down a river hours later w/ bullet shot to the chest.One of the publications on the pubmed source, after noting how much it's helped with cancer, questions why the FDA is holding it back.
So is big pharma standing to loose too much money from the benefits of this treatment and suppressing it? Or are there valid reasons why it's being held back? (Saying it's not tested enough or not made in approved places if there are no actual plans or in action of doing those things are not valid answers if not allowing anybody to meet those qualifications)
Aside from finding this out, if this really does help a lot, knowing this can be beneficial to you and loved ones now or in the future. I'm already researching more into this for that reason. -
JW Investment Tip
by neat blue dog inwhen your fridge is getting empty, what should you do?
a recent wt shows the ideal next step.
(in picture form, so all ages/education levels can understand.).
Give the money to the WT, and when you have no food and ask for help, they will tell you, "Contact your relatives you are shunning for help, because it's an emergency we'll let it pass this time. After you get food and money from them, resume shunning until they realize this is the truth and return. The WT focuses solely on literature so can't help you out!"
Anthony Morris Jehovah's Witnesses Governing Body imparting wisdom about Apostates
by Not_Culty inhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fku45b2kchu.
Gotta watch out for those apostates on the internet. They spew facts about us. Just stick with what we authorize and you won't get doubts
Do You Know Of Anyone Who Left JWs And Then Decided To Return?
by minimus inquite a few years ago there was a poster here that left the religion because he knew it was simply not true.
however, he returned to jws because he wanted to be with his family.
i don’t know how he is doing but gumby was his name.
Only those who left for 'fleshly desires'. They want to have fun, etc, but always still think it's the truth and return. Those who know TTATT have never seen any return.