Never as a JW. Once waking up and leaving, I read it probably 5+ times cover to cover, not in order, when learning what it really taught vs WT cherry picked scriptures.
JoinedPosts by Bad_Wolf
Did you actually read the bible end to end?
by Ultimate Axiom inin my ten years as a witness i never read the whole bible end to end, what with four magazines a month, the book study, meetings and talk preparations, there just wasn’t the time.
i knew all the important references to ‘prove’ the various jw doctrines, and the cherry picked chapters that help foster the idea that it’s a good book, but that’s not reading it.
well after nearly forty years out, i decided i would do it.
How to sue the WT over shunning policy. It CAN happen!
by Bad_Wolf inthis is a very good document from a law school exploring religious freedom vs an individuals right to religious freedom without blackmail, pressure, etc, and also explores why certain lawsuits did not win and what it would take to win them.
a person born in, and whose parents or family pressured to shun because they simply left the religion, who has evidence of damages, etc, would likely have a good case if they find a good lawyer.
Monday, Jan 14th text
"Despite our pain of heart, we must avoid normal contact with a disfellowshipped family member by telephone, text messages, letters, emails, or social media." .... Jesus said if we were to put any human before him we would be unworthy of him. "
And if you go to, for their FAQ, it clearly says that if one leaves the religion, normal family interactions remain. Which is an absolute 180 from what you see above.
I think WT has long overstepped freedom of religion protections, and is ripe for lawsuits with their printed instructions to members.
You said The Fall Guy that they only need to say it's down to conscience matter. Well, that above article/quote it showing how those who on their personal choice have decided to still talk to family, are being told they are not allowed to, or Jesus will hate them lol. AND it's telling existing members if they leave, that they will instruct their family to not talk to them at all either, so better stay, or won't even get an email from your family. -
How to sue the WT over shunning policy. It CAN happen!
by Bad_Wolf inthis is a very good document from a law school exploring religious freedom vs an individuals right to religious freedom without blackmail, pressure, etc, and also explores why certain lawsuits did not win and what it would take to win them.
a person born in, and whose parents or family pressured to shun because they simply left the religion, who has evidence of damages, etc, would likely have a good case if they find a good lawyer.
This is a very good document from a law school exploring religious freedom vs an individuals right to religious freedom without blackmail, pressure, etc, and also explores why certain lawsuits did not win and what it would take to win them.
A person born in, and whose parents or family pressured to shun because they simply left the religion, who has evidence of damages, etc, would likely have a good case if they find a good lawyer.
No time for Donald to go to the World Economic Forum
by TheFadingAlbatros inswitzerland : "viens donald !
" (come donald).
usa : "pas l'temps !!
Anybody who says a 30 foot high wall won't do anything needs to use some basic thinking, not critical thinking, just basic thinking.
I saw somebody post how a wall won't do anything, if anybody wants to get in hard enough, they will find a way no matter what. Sure, some will find a way, but to say that the 300,000k+ a year that sneak in southern border would not be reduced is faulty thinking.
I told them there is a concept called too hard and deterrence. I told them if they really believe that, to empty their savings and bank account and put it all in a clear plastic bag and lay it atop their car. Based on their thinking, there is no point to put your money in a bank or keep it in your home behind locked doors. Because it's inevitable that whoever would be willing to walk by and pick up a bag of money without getting caught or seen, would also be breaking into their home, do identify theft and empty bank accounts or steal everything in their home. If somebody will pick up a bag of money, then that means they'll also just rob a bank. Risk and difficulty wouldn't make a difference.
But anybody who has basic thinking skills will realize that a 30 foot wall and better security than having nothing will deter people from attempting and make it easier to get caught as well. A person tossing their 2 year old toddler over a 10 foot fence probably wouldn't toss them over a 30 ft high wall.
If walls don't work, then why don't prisons tear them all down? Prisoners if they really want to escape, a wall won't keep them in will it?In economics, one is taught that the higher a price, the lower the demand. The lower the price, the higher the demand. The harder to sneak illegally into a country, the less will try to do it and/or be successful doing it.
Then you also have idiots who say that more people extend their visitors visas then sneak in southern border. Those who enter by plane or boat must pass customs and have documents. We know who they are. Those who sneak in southern border without any documents we have no idea who they are, if they had been dangerous criminals previously deported, etc.I really do wonder if liberalism is a disease like people claim. Or just for absolute idiots. These points I made seem like they should be common sense that anybody in the human race would easily understand.
No time for Donald to go to the World Economic Forum
by TheFadingAlbatros inswitzerland : "viens donald !
" (come donald).
usa : "pas l'temps !!
All media and such putting blame on Trump. Democrats could cave just as much as him. And 5 billion is PENNIES. They give billions in aid, last year 1.3 trillion on medicaid and medicare (medicaid goes to illegal kids, etc). And also raising military budget by another 50 billion.
It's all just a show. Nobody is standing up to big pharma or any of those outrageous prices and gouging.
And the reason the general democrats don't want the wall is they want more illegals to get more votes from them popping kids, or hoping they can ilegally vote or eventually vote, to try to push their socialist agendas to get 'free' stuff oblivious that it'll turn this country into 3rd world shithole. -
Neighbor teens selling drugs
by Bad_Wolf innot too long ago had a lady and her two teen sons move nearby.
she had mentioned awhile back how they came from a rough ghetto neighborhood.
this lady is always screaming and fighting with her sons, so loud, homes away hear it.
My motivation for saying anything would merely be, they live very close, and I don't want any future drug shootout or my home broken into because them or some drug addict brought to this area from them.
If they were not next door neighbor I wouldn't care.
I personally think people should be allowed to smoke and buy pot. I just don't want the gun or theft problems that usually go in proximity of drug dealers.
For now I will probably just watch closer.
Neighbor teens selling drugs
by Bad_Wolf innot too long ago had a lady and her two teen sons move nearby.
she had mentioned awhile back how they came from a rough ghetto neighborhood.
this lady is always screaming and fighting with her sons, so loud, homes away hear it.
Not too long ago had a lady and her two teen sons move nearby. She had mentioned awhile back how they came from a rough ghetto neighborhood. This lady is always screaming and fighting with her sons, so loud, homes away hear it. The teens are around 17. Heard her screaming to that one to get a job or he's kicked out, how he only gets money selling drugs, etc. The teen doesn't seem to be an inherently bad person. Don't need drug issues and problems, don't want to ruin his life, though being 17, perhaps better to get in trouble before 18. Curious what others would do in this type of situation. If I notify police I would do so anonymously.
WT has another 91 million for lawsuit payments now
by Bad_Wolf inthe last sale of their most valuable asset.
ANybody who has been waiting or about to file a lawsuit against them, do it now. They got another 91 million to spare at the moment lol.
WT has another 91 million for lawsuit payments now
by Bad_Wolf inthe last sale of their most valuable asset.
The last sale of their most valuable asset.
november 2018 study wt
by days of future passed ini always get curious when someone posts an article from the wt.
so i end up going there to look around at the whole article and find other things that are curiouser and couriouser.. certainly, god’s thinking is superior to that of today’s world.
living by his thoughts will bring us the greatest happiness and success.
But Jehovah will not force his thinking on us. “The faithful and discreet slave” does not exercise control over the thoughts of individuals, and neither do the elders. (Matt. 24:45; 2 Cor. 1:24) Rather, each Christian has the personal responsibility to bring his or her thinking into harmony with
God’sthe governing body's. If they don't do it on their own, and follow their responsibility ordered through the governing body, they must be disfellowshipped. But it's their choice to get disfellowshipped or not by obeying the governing body or not. How can we do that?