Window washing will be similar to the port video you linked if not already. Least for tall rise buildings. And or window washing drones
JoinedPosts by Bad_Wolf
At this point in time and onward, how technology may send the human race back to the stone age...
by Bad_Wolf infor thousands of years, the human race has slowly advanced by learning and mastering professions and grouping into cities allowing specializations.
these trades were passed directly and through books.
but everything until recently began with the ground up.
At this point in time and onward, how technology may send the human race back to the stone age...
by Bad_Wolf infor thousands of years, the human race has slowly advanced by learning and mastering professions and grouping into cities allowing specializations.
these trades were passed directly and through books.
but everything until recently began with the ground up.
I'll check the vid in a few but with extinctions and disasters, I think it's inevitable, whether 100, 1000, 15,000 years.
As for things in our own lifetime or immediate futures with loss of jobs due to automation and has to happen to free up resources to further advance humanity. Once laundry and dishes became automated, clothing was mass produced, electric stoves, refrigerators, etc, all freed up the time that wives/mothers would spend full time on taking care of the household while the husband/father earned the money, allowed for all of that extra labor. Many jobs are being eliminated, but that can open for future technologies creating demand for new jobs and industries.
At some point, supply of labor may far exceed demand, and the result will be some major growing pains as society and incomes are rethought or population control measures happen. (as have already happened in China, etc). -
Evidence of a form of telepathy, science and personal experiences.
by Bad_Wolf ini believe in rational explanations for everything, whether they are understood yet or not.
medication used to be considered 'magic' until understood how it worked.
on the subject of telepathy, for me it's very subtle but has happened many times.
If mild form of telepathy is one day proven to be scientifically based and rational explanation, it will no longer be 'supernatural'.
Ok sure. Then let's agree to wait for that day to say that it's real.I do. As technology advances, and more brain scans and detection devices are developed, to look back on some things for further study. If in the future, we had the technology or ability to discover how telepathy worked or if we had a mild form of it, but all scientists and qualified ones to research that dismissed it as non sense. It would be like them saying today that no research in medication will happen because magic potions are supernatural nonsense.
Evidence of a form of telepathy, science and personal experiences.
by Bad_Wolf ini believe in rational explanations for everything, whether they are understood yet or not.
medication used to be considered 'magic' until understood how it worked.
on the subject of telepathy, for me it's very subtle but has happened many times.
There are tons of things that fall into the category of supernatural and all should not be treated equal.
Well there is something equal about them, which is none of them have actual evidence to support them. It is on that basis that they are treated equally.Do you know that using and mixing herbs to treat sickness and conditions used to be considered "magic". "Magic potions"? Do you know the work for pharmacy comes from greek word pharma, which is the word translated in the bible as magic or spiritism? They used to believe sickness and the cures were magic. Until technology allowed us to see and learn about viruses, bacteria, immune system, etc, a lot of it was thought 'super natural'.
At this point in time and onward, how technology may send the human race back to the stone age...
by Bad_Wolf infor thousands of years, the human race has slowly advanced by learning and mastering professions and grouping into cities allowing specializations.
these trades were passed directly and through books.
but everything until recently began with the ground up.
Don't worry there will always be geeks who learn HTML and CSS just for the hell of it.
To be fair, despite the myths, there are probably no ancient skills that can't be performed better by modern-day craftsmen and women.That is with modern tools and technology. Try building the pyramids or Petra with what they had today. But also, the situation can not be compared.
Take these trades/professions = Farming - people experimenting with seeds over time became skilled farmer profession with simple tools and natural solutions utilizing what they have immediately in their vicinity, became farmers using machines and fertilizers, and in the future it may be all automated machines.
= Metal working / tools - simple tools with sticks and stones to make tools, combined eventually with mining, surveying, and forging, (all different professions), then you have blacksmith, then industrial revolution has machines doing most of the hard work but still humans operating the machines and involved in every step of the process, in the future humans may be eliminated from quite a few of the steps with automation and robotics.
= computer programming = binary, cobol, C, if you look at the history and evolution, modern programming methods and languages came from the early ones. The best way I can think to explain the future problem is this.......this website itself. It could have been developed using templates and help. A button that indicated to insert a text box, how to store the information into the database, etc. But behind all of that, HTML, asp, java, SQL, etc were used even though the person who built it would not have needed to known them. If suddenly had to start from scratch, if they did the same work they did, had some template with commands, it would all do nothing without all the backend coding that was automatically written. In the far future from now, how many templates upon templates, and languages upon languages will be written and made, that allow people to make electronics and programs that using todays technology would have taken thousands upon thousands of hours. Or imagine building a website coding in binary. If all computer technology was wiped out today, people still alive who were part of the original buildup of computers. They really started to advance in the 60's + then in the 80's for personal computers, etc. Books, people, etc, all still alive and it could be redone. But when technology advances quickly, and hundreds+ years from now, binary, cobol, c, still in the very deep roots but they are long forgotten. While all of that is happening, robotics are taking over all trades and much of human labor that even today at least has humans controlling the machines. If something happens to wipe out that technology, then unless it was somehow well preserved, not in electronic form only, or not in decayed books, many things can be back at square one.
At this point in time and onward, how technology may send the human race back to the stone age...
by Bad_Wolf infor thousands of years, the human race has slowly advanced by learning and mastering professions and grouping into cities allowing specializations.
these trades were passed directly and through books.
but everything until recently began with the ground up.
For thousands of years, the human race has slowly advanced by learning and mastering professions and grouping into cities allowing specializations. These trades were passed directly and through books. But everything until recently began with the ground up. Human labor to mine and gather core materials. Human labor to design and create electronics. And computer programming, from binary to what we have today. But something is about to change......
Computers and programming are rapidly evolving and robotics is now in play. Computers began with binary coding, and there are still programmers alive today that were involved with that. Websites were initially developed hand coding HTML, etc. Now applications and templates handle that. Robotics and the future will automate many things that had required human labor and thinking. As technology advances, the core components and building blocks are automated and tailed onto the previous advancements. As the years go by, and stack upon stack of technology happens, it will be impossible for people then to learn and understand all of the steps and master them up to what is current. Many things are becoming electronic, and less need of books.
Now imagine 50, 100, 500, 1000, 5000 years from now all technology that was based on the developments of our time are forgotten but used from AI, automation, robotics, etc. Clothing, food, resource gathering, all largely automated as well. Human civilization is well advanced and all occupations from our time period are the equivalent to when people would spin wool to make cloth, black smiths to create tools, etc, all things of the past.
A catastrophe then happens, a global EMP, which destroys all electronics. Without the technology, people have long forgot farming, hunting, building, gathering resources by hand. Most all if not all of that knowledge by then is electronic based. All technology and electronics need to be redeveloped from scratch. No existing or older devices work. But prior to all of that, people need to figure out how to farm, hunt, eat, make clothes, etc, how to survive without the technology.
Perhaps this is a form of how some advanced ancient civilizations vanished. A large scale plague or disaster wiped out all of the skilled tradesmen and they had to start again from scratch?
It makes me wonder if humans will advance and only continually advance, then spread to other planets and always keep advancing. Or if an endless cycle will happen in which building up to becoming completely reliant on technology and advancing past that technology to the point that when inevitable catastrophe's happen, they start all over again.
Evidence of a form of telepathy, science and personal experiences.
by Bad_Wolf ini believe in rational explanations for everything, whether they are understood yet or not.
medication used to be considered 'magic' until understood how it worked.
on the subject of telepathy, for me it's very subtle but has happened many times.
The burden of proof is on those who claim there is a factual basis for 'supernatural' events.
Attempts to uncover objective evidence has so far failed 100% of the time. It is not open-minded to reserve judgement on the supernatural. It is obtuse not to be deeply skeptical.There are tons of things that fall into the category of supernatural and all should not be treated equal. That is also because once something 'supernatural' is understood, then it's no longer super natural. If mild form of telepathy is one day proven to be scientifically based and rational explanation, it will no longer be 'supernatural'. If telepathy or a form of it is real, if it was based on brain waves and perhaps operating similar to a radio signal, or something that has a scientific base that is much more different than saying spells and having no scientific explanation. It is not obtuse to be deeply skeptical, but it IS obtuse to be so skeptical as to write it off and never explore scientific methods of research into it again. (especially if can think of possibilities of rational explanations, such as telepathy example).
Time is another thing, time is not linear. Gravity, black holes, speed of light, we KNOW it can be manipulated. Maybe things such as premonitions are the mind interacting with time beyond ways we can understand at present (IF any of them are real vs coincidence or illusion).
I think it is good to be very skeptical, but not so extreme that future research will never happen when some things can have a true basis but we lacked the technology presently to detect or properly research. -
Evidence of a form of telepathy, science and personal experiences.
by Bad_Wolf ini believe in rational explanations for everything, whether they are understood yet or not.
medication used to be considered 'magic' until understood how it worked.
on the subject of telepathy, for me it's very subtle but has happened many times.
I believe in rational explanations for everything, whether they are understood yet or not. Medication used to be considered 'magic' until understood how it worked.
On the subject of telepathy, for me it's very subtle but has happened many times. A few of which was today.
On social media, I had a friend among hundreds that I haven't spoken with or interacted at all in over a year. We also never had any political discussions. I made a post last night and I got a 'feeling' that a person would unfriend me for it. And today I saw I was down 1, and I got a feeling of a person it would be. I have absolutely no history to determine my post would have made them out of hundreds unfriend me, but I check and they did. Other times this form can be if you call or contact somebody and they were just thinking about you.
Or I had girl I was talking to once who told me her ex bf always knows when she is talking about him and during that conversation he texted her to stop talking about him.
The oddest ever was a time I was still a jw and visting a KH. I was standing near the sound person and a person told me it was that persons first time. I looked at them and they had just started the music to sing and were a verse in. I looked at him and had a very strong feeling/premonition that he would get confused and hit the off button. He suddenly is looking at the buttons and hits stop and then a gesture like 'what the hell did i just do' and had to restart the whole song.Or people who get a feeling somebody is watching them and then find that somebody is.
Anyway I do not believe in super natural. I wonder if we have some type of telepathy. In the animal world, I think they do as well.
Thoughts, personal experiences, any scientific findings on the subject? Perhaps our brains can do something similar to radio waves, etc.
How to sue the WT over shunning policy. It CAN happen!
by Bad_Wolf inthis is a very good document from a law school exploring religious freedom vs an individuals right to religious freedom without blackmail, pressure, etc, and also explores why certain lawsuits did not win and what it would take to win them.
a person born in, and whose parents or family pressured to shun because they simply left the religion, who has evidence of damages, etc, would likely have a good case if they find a good lawyer.
When the WT presents the shunning practice to the courts and tell them that it is a personal religious practice that must be protected, they are lying.
It’s an official rule of the group, and they haven’t been shy spelling that out. When the rubber meets the road, the members have to inforce it. For that to occur, each member has to choose to go along with it. They have the choice to leave too.Evidently, you did not real the FAQ on shunning on, where they present to new members and those interested, that "normal family relations continue" if one leaves the religion. Waiting until they have their whole family in until they spill the beans, if any of you leave now, the rest of your family will shun you.
How to sue the WT over shunning policy. It CAN happen!
by Bad_Wolf inthis is a very good document from a law school exploring religious freedom vs an individuals right to religious freedom without blackmail, pressure, etc, and also explores why certain lawsuits did not win and what it would take to win them.
a person born in, and whose parents or family pressured to shun because they simply left the religion, who has evidence of damages, etc, would likely have a good case if they find a good lawyer.
For instance, someone associates with an ex-member of the JW and is excommunicated for it. In that scenario, both the ex-member and the excommunicated one could bring the local congregation and the WT to court for “intentional infliction of emotional distress” as the action taken by the church was solely meant to limit the right of association. As such a right is a “basic human right”, the action taken against it is illegal.
The WT would easily be held accountable as its instructions on the matter are found in their “Shepard the flock of God” book.If this would work, then anybody who has not disassociated or been DFed here, they need only tell the elders or let it be discovered they are on 'apostate' and 'ex jw forums' and they will be dfed for associating with ex members.