I was raised being told how apostates are so smart and cunn8ng their lies will knock somebody out of the faith. Even hearing a few words can ruin you. I always thought if they are lies then truth can easily defeat them.
JoinedPosts by Bad_Wolf
Why are JDubs scared to death of apostate websites?
by Sour Grapes inwhen i was an elder back in the 1970's i loved to debate and challenge ministers, preachers, and holy rollers.
now you can be a loyal jdub fully indoctrinated for 30 years but just take a peek at an apostate website and you are doomed.
yes, satan now has you by the gonads and all of the years of being at the meetings, all of the family worship nights, all of the conventions, and all of the personal study just go up in a cloud of smoke.
Lucid dreams and virtual reality
by Bad_Wolf inlong ago when i learned about lucid dreams i was fascinated by them and sought to try to induce them.
over the years i've had quite a few.
i can't definitely force one to happen on any particular night.
I need help here!
So last night I was getting lucid. I had a very vivid dream. If you are familiar with what happens when you start to become lucid, is that you may get false awakenings. Where your mind tricks you into thinking you woke up from a dream, and you're back in full dream state. My mind outsmarted me last night. As I was getting lucid, the surroundings were changing and I started to question my reality. Usually a reality check would confirm I was dreaming then I get full control. Last night as that is happening somebody tells me that the tea I drank contained hallucinogens. That explained and verified things were changing when they shouldn't be, but I was hallucinating.
So now I need to think of a reality check that hallucinations wouldn't answer or this will be my version of the 'false awakenings' from now on if everytime I am getting lucid it's claimed it was from having hallucinogens lol.
Explain why you are happy if you believe there is no afterlife vs when you joined JW's
by Bad_Wolf inone thing that has intrigued me are so many who have left, who are wholly convinced everything in existence is merely by chance now, also claim they wouldn't want to live forever, and perfectly fine if this is the only life.
now, i would understand that if you were raised into the religion.
i was raised into it.
One huge problem with your statement is that the reality of our futures does not depend on what we believe. It is what it actually is. I bought into their promise but then realized it isn't true.
You can say I don't know what the future after death is. For an absolute certainty, I cannot prove that I do know it. But we live and we die, we exist no more. If that is wrong, then some megalomaniac demanding my licking his boots during this life to grant me part of that afterlife while he is practicing his high level neglect of mankind, it's just not worth it to me.I am assuming this life is it, though I hope for more. I was talking about those who if eternal life was possible (not limited to jw or religions version but any) but those who say they wouldn't want it. I think it's a shame we weren't born further into the future. If we truly are alone and everything happened by chance, and how rapid science is advancing, at some point I think extended life if not eternal life can be discovered.
Explain why you are happy if you believe there is no afterlife vs when you joined JW's
by Bad_Wolf inone thing that has intrigued me are so many who have left, who are wholly convinced everything in existence is merely by chance now, also claim they wouldn't want to live forever, and perfectly fine if this is the only life.
now, i would understand that if you were raised into the religion.
i was raised into it.
Swat - tell him to tell us what to do then. Old books written by men, changed, revised, no idea true source over thousands of years. Can't very well do what the almighty wants if he doesnt tell us anything.
Or do you believe group of men who have been wrong about everything and always flipflopping, etc, speak for him?
Do Circuit Overseers outrank Elders? Why can't they talk to disfellowshipped people?
by garyneal inlast sunday, our family went to the kingdom hall and i realized that this was the week that the circuit overseer was in town.
when we sat down, i noticed he came over and talked to her then he walked away i guess to talk to others.
a few minutes later, he returned to tell her that he could not talk to her because he was informed that she was disfelloshipped.
Ray Franz, GB was dfed for supposedly talking to dfed person. Lol
Some fun facts about Rocky Marciano ...
by LoveUniHateExams inrocky marciano was italian-american and was born rocco marchegiano (pronounced 'mark-uh-jahno').. he was the only hw champ to retire with a perfect record - he was 49-0 as a pro but he lost a few of his 12 amateur fights.. his closest pro fights were a split decision win vs roland lastarza and a 13 round ko vs jersey joe walcott.. he scraped through vs lastarza but won a rematch a few years later in 1953 - knocking lastarza out and causing severe damage to lastarza's arms, where lastarza had been blocking rocky's punches.. rocky was trailing on all three judges scorecards in the first walcott fight, before a short right to the jaw nearly took walcott's head off.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=npz7kfb4vo4 .
marciano stood only 5 feet 10 and a half inches (70.5 inches) tall.
his reach (outstretched arms, fingertip to fingertip) was a mere 67.5 inches - shorter than many lightweights'.
Liberal vs. Democrat in the U.S.A.
by OnTheWayOut init seems that many believe that a liberal in the usa must be a democrat, pretty much following the party core teachings and some even think it means approving the party history of, during the 19th century, supporting or tolerated slavery and opposing civil rights reforms after the civil war.
some even insist that a liberal loves anything and everything obama did..
Interesting how youtube severly limiting the ability to view the detroit video. It doesnt violate terms of service and its true but not a narrative youtube supports so trying to have it buried
Realization of something very close to a supernatural force but scientific
by Bad_Wolf inafter finding patterns in lottery numbers and thinking about if random truly exists, i also flipped a coin for awhile.
i was counted how many times i would get heads and tails and if they would equal out in the end.
if heads slowly was getting ahead too much, i would suddenly get a bunch of tails in a row to almost equal it out.
Dice guy, if that's true Then go to a casino and play craps. Craps is a dice rolling game.
Realization of something very close to a supernatural force but scientific
by Bad_Wolf inafter finding patterns in lottery numbers and thinking about if random truly exists, i also flipped a coin for awhile.
i was counted how many times i would get heads and tails and if they would equal out in the end.
if heads slowly was getting ahead too much, i would suddenly get a bunch of tails in a row to almost equal it out.
Every time you flip a coin its a 50% chance of it coming up one or the other. Does not matter how many times it comes up heads or tails. This is trying to find patterns where there are none. There is such a thing as random. When its not random you try to not create patterns and that is not random.
Okay I'll explain it as simply as possible. If you flip a coin one time, there is a 50% chance of heads or tails. As I have said, the more times it happens, the more an equalizing tries to be forced. So if you got heads 9 times in a row, you still think 50% chance of getting heads again. But the formula is (1/2)^10 There is a .09% chance of getting heads 10 times in a row. There is a .19% chance of heads 9 times in a row. 1 head in a row, 50% chance, 2 = 25% 3=12.5% 4=6.25 5=3.12, etc. So if heads actually came up 9 times in a row, you know there is .09% chance of it happening 10 times in a row so even though a single flip is 50%, there is .09% chance that it would happen 10 times in a row and higher likely hood a tails will show up to break that streak. And that's called having your luck run out, if a gambler got something against bad odds and kept pushing it.
Realization of something very close to a supernatural force but scientific
by Bad_Wolf inafter finding patterns in lottery numbers and thinking about if random truly exists, i also flipped a coin for awhile.
i was counted how many times i would get heads and tails and if they would equal out in the end.
if heads slowly was getting ahead too much, i would suddenly get a bunch of tails in a row to almost equal it out.
Yes. Short term statistical anomalies do happen but in the long run it all tends towards the odds.
But the chances of any number being drawn next is identical.I have found otherwise, but I can't detail it without giving it away and I am intending to try it to my advantage. But maybe the multiple time lottery winners and them going on statistics and probabilities is enough to show that the chances do not always remain identical.