Gotta watch out for those apostates on the internet. They spew facts about us. Just stick with what we authorize and you won't get doubts
JoinedPosts by Bad_Wolf
Anthony Morris Jehovah's Witnesses Governing Body imparting wisdom about Apostates
by Not_Culty in
Do You Know Of Anyone Who Left JWs And Then Decided To Return?
by minimus inquite a few years ago there was a poster here that left the religion because he knew it was simply not true.
however, he returned to jws because he wanted to be with his family.
i don’t know how he is doing but gumby was his name.
Only those who left for 'fleshly desires'. They want to have fun, etc, but always still think it's the truth and return. Those who know TTATT have never seen any return.
Watchtower attempts 997 mind trick segue to 1914
by Darth FayDehr infancy a mind trick?
here’s 2 for the price of 1; if you only want watchtower’s trick, skip to the next paragraph.
you may need to write this down or use a calculator:.
Here is another way to reach OPs #
Watchtower attempts 997 mind trick segue to 1914
by Darth FayDehr infancy a mind trick?
here’s 2 for the price of 1; if you only want watchtower’s trick, skip to the next paragraph.
you may need to write this down or use a calculator:.
Every instance of "evidently" in WT material needs to be replaced with, "Our next statement of truth and new light is actually us now going beyond the things written, NOT being discreet, and pushing our own dumbass thinking ideas as words from God's mouth that you must obey as if from God's mouth or you're an apostate, and 20 years from now when it's "evidently" wrong we will blame your dumbass for thinking it because we said we are not inspired".
Yes that statement needs to be written over every instance of the word, "Evidently" of all WT literature.
JW detained in Putin's Russia ... accused of extremism
by mikeflood infrom bbc news "five jw's from the kirov region detained with about $ 7,500 accused of funding and organizing meetings....they found literature...and two hand granades and a landmine".
the russians are such idiots planting evidence....and quarrelling with the neutral and sheepish jw land...and of course inflamating their persecution complex.
While I support the ban, planting stuff and those weapons is too far. That is so odd.
Jehovah’s Witness dating rules
by Addison0998 ini’m sorry that i talk about dating a lot, i know it is probably very annoying, but you don’t have to read it.
but did anyone else have the most difficult time dating as a young jw?
me and my boyfriend have been dating for a year in half, we are in our early 20’s, and we are still not allowed to hold hands, cuddle or kiss.
A non jw friend on social media posted about not having sex before marriage. He is religious, but not a jw. I mentioned how it would be bad to find out after married that you are not sexually compatible. One female of his church responded "I don't understand sexually compatible. Its sex. If you can do it, you're compatible". I bet she is quite the winner. Her husband prob gets lucky if gets dead fish sex twice a year.
Florida investigating catholic priests, maybe JW victims can join in?
by Bad_Wolf insaw florida is doing special investigation into sex abuse by catholic priests.
i'm sure if some jw's join in they'll add that as well.
Saw Florida is doing special investigation into sex abuse by catholic priests. I'm sure if some JW's join in they'll add that as well.
JWFacts is incorrect about "Holy Spirit". Do YOU know about the 40 or so years the WT taught there was NO holy spirit?
by Bad_Wolf ini did my own extensive research as i was getting out, and by exploring actual changes and mentions of core doctrine, i learned how it came about that the gb teach that only they know the truth and only they get holy spirit.
i was checking if jwfacts had it, and although they mention many older articles, it seems they didn't realize they taught there was no holy spirit.
this was a real big eye opener for me, so thought i'd share it, and curious if any of you knew about this yourselves????.
I was pointing this out, because this is a huge way to invalidate the GB at guided by anything and their current stance. To see that EVERYTHING could get holy spirit, to for 40 years denying it, then suddenly only THEY have it.
I had time and pulled up my research, here in order is the chain.
9/1/1930 WT page 17 par 4,5 summary "It was more than three years there-after, and when Jesus was about to go away, that he told his disciples that he would pray his Father and that his Father would send them another helper or comforter, and it was then that Jesus disclosed to his disciples that the comforater or helper that would be sent is the holy spirit.........."and used in this instance to help those of the church during the absense of Jesus"....
9/1/1930 WT page 263 par 22-27 summary and highlights....."But when the lord comes to his temple and gathers his approved ones into the temple, is there any further need for the office of the holy spirit as a helper or advocate? If not, then the advocacy of the holy spirit would there CEASE.".....When the temple class is gathered the administration of the holy spirit as an advocate, it seems, would be at an end"......par26 Instead of the servants's being moved into action by the operation of the holy spirit as a helper, the scriptures seem clearly to teach that the Lord directs his angels what to do and that they act under the supervision of the lord in directing the remnant on earth concerning the course of action to take"...par 27 "From 1922 onward there has been a work done by the church the like of which was never done before. ...It was the holy spirit that operated upon the minds of men in the early church to take certain action; but now the Lord Jesus himself has returned, is in his temple, and acting by and through his holy angels, puts in into the mind and heart of the remnant class to take postive action and to do a certain work; and this work has been going on, especially since 1922.
6/1/1931 WT page 167 par 35 "After the holy spirit as an advocate or paraclete ceased to function in behalf of the consecrated, then the angels are employed in behalf of those who are being made ready for the kingdom"
12/1/1933 WT page 364 ENTIRE PAGE summary "angels are delegated by the Lord to convey his instructions to the members of his organization on earth. JUST HOW THIS IS DONE IS NOT NECESSARY FOR US TO UNDERSTAND. Believing that Christ Jesus is directing the work on earth, then we must conclude that the visible ones put in certain positions in God's organization are there by his will and must render account to him; otherwise they would be removed......THEN IF ONE IN THE ORGANIZATION RECEIVES DIRECTIONS, AND THOSE DIRECTIONS COME THROUGH THE PLACE DESIGNATED TO GIVE INSTRUCTIONS, THEN THE INSTRUCTIONS SHOULD BE OBEYED AS UNTO THE LORD. (BIG MINDLESS BRAINWASHING MOMENT IN HISTORY RIGHT THERE!) ......."It is imperative that the remnant follow organization instructions, because teh Lord is directing his own affairs.
1931 YEARBOOK "Jehovah God has a small number of his anointed ones on the earth at the present time. These he designates as the "remnant" of Zion. The "society" is composed of that "remnant". .........
RECONCILIATION BOOK 1928 foreword - "The writer does not give his opinion. No human interpretation of Scripture is advanced".
11/1/1931 WT page 327 par 19 - "The Watchtower is not the instrument of any man or set of men, nor is it published according to the whims of men. No man's opinion is expressed in The Watchtower."
PREPARATION BOOK, 1933, by Rutherford page 37 "Certain duties and kingdom interests have been committed by the Lord to his angels, which include the transmission of information to God's anointed people on earth for their aid and comfort. Even though we cannot understand how the angels transmit this information, we know that they do"
Page 64 "Enlightenment proceeds from Jehovah by and through Christ Jesus and is given to the faithful anointed on earth at the Temple, and brings great peace and consolation to them......The remnant do not hear audible sounds, because such is not necessary."
PRESERVATION BOOK page 152 "Christ Jesus is present with his retinue of angels, and by these holy instruments the Lord is directing the course of his people"
VINDICATION BOOK page 316 "Since 1918 the angels of the Lord have had to do with showing to the Ezekiel class the truth"
AUG 1, 1933 WT page 231 par 23 "the angel of the lord brings to them the needed information in answer to their questions. This is proof that the interpretation of prophecy does not proceed from man, but that the Lord Jesus, the chief one in Jehovah's Organization, sends the necessary information to this people by and through his holy angels."
7/1/1943 page 205 (Another major change!!!) - "he has appointed his faithful and wise servant, who is his visible mouthpiece, and says to those who are privileged to represent him upon the earth, this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations".....The Lord breaks down our organizations instructions further instructing us through his faithful and wise servant. He says, "Let us assign the field, the world, to special pioneers, regular pioneers and companies of Jehovah's Witnesses in an orderly way.....he says the requirments for special pioneers shall be 175 hours and 50 back-calls per month......And for company publishers he says let us make a quota of 60 hours and 12 back-calls and at lease one study a week for each publisher. These directions CAME TO US FROM THE LORD through his established agency directing what is required of us and for those who really love the lord and are guided by his counsel, that is a reasonable service requirement. This expression of the Lrod's will should be THE END OF ALL CONTROVERSY. It is for your good that these requirements are made; for thereby you are enabled to prove your integrity and magnify the Lord's name."
Do you think Ruthaford is buried at Beth Sharim?
by blownaway inno one really knows where ruthaford is buried.
there is some word of mouth evidence that he is buried under the garage of beth sarim.
i think he is under the garage.
It would be nice to know where he is if an official location. Tyrian Lannister journeyed to the wall to take a piss. I'd journey to his grave to take a piss.
JWFacts is incorrect about "Holy Spirit". Do YOU know about the 40 or so years the WT taught there was NO holy spirit?
by Bad_Wolf ini did my own extensive research as i was getting out, and by exploring actual changes and mentions of core doctrine, i learned how it came about that the gb teach that only they know the truth and only they get holy spirit.
i was checking if jwfacts had it, and although they mention many older articles, it seems they didn't realize they taught there was no holy spirit.
this was a real big eye opener for me, so thought i'd share it, and curious if any of you knew about this yourselves????.
I did my own extensive research as I was getting out, and by exploring actual changes and mentions of core doctrine, I learned how it came about that the GB teach that only THEY know the truth and only THEY get holy spirit.
I was checking if JWFacts had it, and although they mention many older articles, it seems they didn't realize they taught there was no holy spirit.
This was a real big eye opener for me, so thought I'd share it, and curious if any of you knew about this yourselves????
I may open up my folder of custom research later and quote the articles but here is a brief description of how from Russell "anybody" could get Holy Spirit down to today where only the GB get it for understanding.
Russell correctly taught what the bible said that anybody can get holy spirit and understanding. The spirit of truth, etc. When Rutherford took over, he got very butthurt when people were questioning him, etc, and opposition that was going to come when he was going to try to make everybody become sales people for him.
So suddenly WT's released that claim that Jesus HAS returned!!!! His invisible rule!!! AND "Evidently", the holy spirit was only operating while Jesus was away. Because when Jesus was with his apostles they didn't have it, but when Jesus left, he told them he would send the teacher, the holy spirit. So since Jesus is back, there is no holy spirit anymore. Jesus has picked his faithful slave and channel to give all his people the truth and his commands. Rutherford speaking about HIMSELF in the third person, instructing how it's nobodys business HOW Jesus does it, but it's through angels or even dead brother Russell who is now serving as the annointed. But Jesus commands that there be pioneers who spend 140 hours a month doing door to door. And everybody should be selling magazines door to door. And nobody better dare question, because Jesus himself is commanding that, else it wouldn't be mentioned in the WT.
For the rest of Rutherfords life, that was the teaching. There was no holy spirit, nobody can understand the bible except through Rutherford/WT.
When Rutherford died, Knorr slowly reincorporated the holy spirit. Never an article saying the past 40 years were incorrect. Just one day it's explained that holy spirit directs the governing body and it's only through them you can get the truth. Never an explanation why only through them and no other anointed or anybody else in general. The entire basis for only the GB or president of WT having "the truth" was Rutherford saying Jesus abolished holy spirit on his return and was directly communicating through his chain of command. Later Knorr brought back holy spirit but replacing Jesus and angels for somehow holy spirit mysteriously only gets to the GB for 'new light' etc.
If nobody really knew of it like this, or there is no online way to find it, I'll make a note to list the articles and quotes in that order.