Hitler learns about the 'overlapping generations'
JoinedPosts by Bad_Wolf
Hitler finds out that Muller found NOTHING!!!!
by DwainBowman ini watched this a few times, laughing so hard.
it feels like i tore something inside where i had surgery a couple weeks ago!!!.
hitler finds out that muller found nothing!!!
Here, this song will get it out of your all systems
Is White Nationalism A Major Problem In Your Opinion?
by minimus inafter seeing the atrocity in new zealand, do you think white nationalism is a major issue affecting you or where you live?.
somebody already called out chelseaclinton, blaming her for the attack!
Facebook is turning into Sweden. If Trump doesn't get reelected, or some democrat gets elected, when they open the floodgates and import millions of muslims, refugees, without work, creating ghettos, problems, etc, like in sweden, to say anything or to complain will get you in trouble. Facebook banned. In Sweden arrested. In Sweden a 15 year old can't be charged with any crime. So if refugees at 15 years old want to rape and murder, they don't get in trouble, but if a person in sweden makes a social media post complaining about that, then they will be behind bars.
Facebook wasn't to be the coverchild of idiot blind cult utopian left crap enforcement. I wonder what will happen if people start reporting all the BLM nationalist groups, and the Black Hebrews, from teh covington case, which are extremist black nationalists. Let's see if their facebook pages will be banned now??
That is what Ms Obama needs to ask herself.
You think they care? When Obummer was President, he was inflaming hatred and falsehoods about police targeting blacks to kill them, and suddenly police being killed and assassinated because obummer would flop his lips 10 minutes after a story from CNN would come out saying "A unarmed black man was shot by a white officer 5 minutes ago. Tyrone, an unarmed black man, who din do nuthin what shot by a white officer, officer tom, who is white. White officer Tom, who is caucausian, is on paid leave while the 18yr old black CHILD Tyrone, (showing a picture of him when he was 8 years old) who after 10 felony convictions and previous armed robberies, said he was just turning his life around and just accepted on the basketball team is dead."
Obummer - "We need to hold the police accountable. It's scary how often this is happening. Somebody needs to do something!"Yup, at every opportunity, Obummer was tagteaming with CNN and similar to create false narratives and stir hate and cause violence towards police. The reason it's calmed down so much is because Trump isn't doing that crap.
The FBI is suspect in this one. Obamas aide called and texted the prosecutor. Before the police arrested mullet or concluded he was a suspect, they were trying to quickly get the police to turn it over to the FBI. I suspect it would have been one of their 'friends' who would have had control then and they would have made the case disappear. Hopefully all of this has put scrutiny on that and any 'friends' have now been foiled.
@desirousofchange and black prosecutor who was texting with his family to get the investigation out of the hands of the local police, and the family being very happy for her trying to do that. -
hope the feds send him to a federal pound me in the ass prison. So when he was arrested, the prosecutor was texting with his family members trying to get favorable things done for him and moving the investigation ...... kim foxx,
The initial correspondence started when Michelle Obama's former chief of staff, Tina Tchen, emailed Foxx to say that she was reaching out on behalf of Jussie's family to express "concerns" they had with how the investigation at that point was being handled.
Jussie had not been charged with a crime yet, but it's believed Chicago PD was already doubting his story and leaking info to the press pushing that narrative.
Foxx responded to Tchen on Feb. 1, saying ... "Spoke to Superintendent Johnson. I convinced him to Reach out to FBI to ask that they take over the investigation. He is reaching out now and will get back to me shortly."
The same day, an unnamed relative of Jussie's texted Foxx herself, as well, and Foxx said she was working on getting the case sent over to the FBI. The relative replied, "Omg this would a huge victory." Foxx then responded, "I make no guarantees, but I'm trying."
"Be Strong!"---SAD
by eyeuse2badub inattended the sad yesterday with my wife.
bethel speaker flown in to california which made it "special".
(his talks were infomercial bs, but at least he was a good speaker.
$11,500 for the assembly expenses for the one day. OMG! Such bullsh*t on the money end!
Well the first class flights, top hotels and restaurants for gb, etc, somebody has to pay for that. The gbs God doesn't make money pop out of their silver sword. So after GB luxury costs - $10,999, the cost for the assembly itself is $501.
Is White Nationalism A Major Problem In Your Opinion?
by minimus inafter seeing the atrocity in new zealand, do you think white nationalism is a major issue affecting you or where you live?.
somebody already called out chelseaclinton, blaming her for the attack!
There are also yet others that are far more vague - Jews are trying to take over the world - blacks cause all crime - and all Mexican's coming to the US are rapist and drug smugglers.
I believe the vast majority of these people aren't evil or crazy people. They're just people on the right who are deeply misinformed by Right Wing propaganda and a political system that far too often uses fear to manipulate it's members.The first things you mentioned I can't see causing people to have fear or hate of a group of people. But these ones can. Also I see left wing propaganda within this comment as well.
On blacks....causing ALL crime is not true, but well beyond proportion to population is. But politically, haven't heard any political reasons to bring it up, other than answering why they are disproportionately arrested and jailed on the claim of racism from the left propaganda, as if it's all for smoking pot and whites are not arrested for that. But on the statement itself, you only need to look at arrest statistics, and look at what the arrest was for. Blacks are arrested for crimes out of their proportion for theft, robbery, murder, etc (smoking marijuana and victimless crimes would not count, people generally only care about if a person will commit crime against them or their family). Not all crime but well beyond proportion. My own observations though, it's not the color of skin, meaning not ALL blacks would figure into that percentage, only the thug culture ones. Just like with white people, you can see good ones and trashy ones on how they conduct themselves and dress. I would not feel at all uncomfortable having black neighbors, I've dated a black girl, and have black friends, but I would not feel comfortable around thugs nor have them as friends. Even black people don't like them. You can also go to spotcrime.com, I live in an area that before my time used to have sundown towns. There are neighborhoods where only blacks and won't be able to really find a white person, and neighborhoods predominately white. Without telling you where they are, on spotcrime.com, looking over the geographic area, you'll be able to tell which neighborhoods are which, and the crimes are not arrests for smoking pot, but crimes with victims. In areas without ghettos though, or without the thug culture, I expect that blacks are no different with crime than anybody else.
For Mexican's, there is no, "ALL Mexicans coming LEGALLY into the US are rapist and drug smugglers", it's that many SNEAKING IN ILLEGALLY are criminals. It's left wing propaganda saying right wing people say that ALL Mexicans are criminals. People say people can fly in and overstay their visas, so why is south border worse? To fly in, you must passed immigration, have visa, the government knows who they are and if any criminal background/issues that would prevent them entry. Sneaking in, have no idea who they are, or if they are a danger and wouldn't ever be allowed to be admitted, even if they had a visa/passport. Big difference. Nobody has a problem with Mexican's legally entering the USA.
Is White Nationalism A Major Problem In Your Opinion?
by minimus inafter seeing the atrocity in new zealand, do you think white nationalism is a major issue affecting you or where you live?.
somebody already called out chelseaclinton, blaming her for the attack!
Far Right Wing extremist individuals foment conspiracy theories, and hatred on-line and elsewhere, and they constitute a "group" or "movement" even if studied individually they seem to be Lone Wolves.
The Security Services here in the U.K have taken over responsibility for monitoring these people, viewing them as a very real Terrorist threat. The U.S.A has been complacent for too long about this.
Potentially violent Extremists of whatever stripe must be identified and stopped, also racist comments and ideas must be called out whoever utters them, before the violence happens, many words are spoken.What are the conspiracy theories? I don't live in London, but I've seen what's happened there, in France, etc. The no go zones, etc. Are those conspiracy theories, or is it that people are complaining about what is happening, telling hard truths? And hard truths must be silenced because they are expected to bend over and take it in the ass and to like it too?
Things can be twisted and make a false narrative, those can be used to create hate and fear. And cold hard truths, not exaggerated can also do the same. The first can and should be addressed. The second, if the perceived solution is to silence it, will only make it steam up worse and blow hard when it does. In the case of things with muslims and mass immigration, it's the 2nd one. An example of the first one, twisting facts to create a false narrative, would be American police systematically targeting blacks because of the color of their skin and killing them any chance they get. Looking at the true facts, numbers, etc, that is a twisted and false narrative that creates fear and started a chain of violence against police. But mass immigration, no go zones, the crime, the numbers, statistics, all true, and if people airing it is creating problems, then the problems need to be addressed, not silenced, and the longer it's ignored, the worse it will get. Better integration, less mass immigration, practical solutions can diffuse and lessen the problems. If politicians just ignore, mass immigration, and silence those complaining, the problems will grow and it will hit a real bad boiling point.