I like how liberals are very selective with statistics, raw numbers, and when they are legit or they are racist.
For example, statistics on black people in the USA, lower population percentage but much higher crime numbers and based on population percentage = racist police who let white people commit the same crimes like murder and theft and get away with it.
In mass shootings, whites still aren't doing them higher than population percentage. They just use raw numbers, "ooo more whites than anybody else did mass shootings so there is a problem with whites!" ignoring relative to population percentage, 72% of population doing 55% of mass shootings. Then they say, all the mass shootings of other races and such don't count, they are only talking about the few that were in the media, so they only talk about a select few, but then post (2019 mass shootings to date (over 200) and try to apply all of that to whitey again.
Then go on islamic terrorism, liberals whenever terror attacks and statistics, all of that is racist, don't say it. A white person does something, post everything and try to spin it to support their narrative. Or if you say, "Another black person did this, or another muslim did this" that's racist, then they are posting, "another white man did this..."
I love calling out libs on their BS.