Are you taking adderall or any type of amphetamines? Google schitzophrenia.
Some people have it and some people it's a side effect of medications. Here is how you can tell if you have it or not.
Think very logically of what is making you think you are being watched. Very rationally.
Why would any JW's concern themselves so much about you? They have their own lives to deal with. Being in the religion, those who need help or weak, usually nobody has time for them, let alone one who is leaving on their own.
If your feelings have no logical basis, then it may be schitzophrenia. It will feel very real to you but when the medication is stopped or it's corrected, you'll realize how off you were.
But worse case scenario, JW religion is not one that they abduct people and FORCE them to do anything. The worst is family/friends turn their back on you. If you don't have those in it or you don't care, then nothing to worry about at all.