- The creation account of Genesis is allegorical and is partially plagiarized from the Sumerian tale of Gilgamesh.
- The flood account of Genesis is scientifically impossible and appears plagiarized from the Sumerian tale of Gilgamesh.
The account is the ONLY ONE that agrees with science, and I'm surprised you have given credence to Gilgamesh, a story probably dreamed up by Nimrod- unless, of course, you don't believe he existed...
- We today can trace the origin of languages. There was no Tower of Babel language creating event.
Really? Did language magically happen as people started to spread abroad? Or do you believe that apes developed it in different places on their own?
- The is no evidence that Moses ever lived.
SURE THERE IS! The Egyptian media was all over it!
- The historical Israel appears to be a Canaanite tribe that was repeatedly conquered by world powers. Fearing that their culture would disappear as was common of conquered/occupied people, this particular tribe created a mythology in which they are a special people, chosen by a monotheistic god, that would one day be freed from captivity and rule over all other nations. The religion created by these Canaanites borrowed from Zoroastrian beliefs as the Persians were the current conquerors. The god created(YHWH) is an angry, jealous, bloodthirsty persona who approves of whole sale slaughter of people to occupy their land, unless those people use iron chariots (YHWY cannot defeat iron chariots).
It "appears" you had other reasons for doubting, VERY little is know for certain about that time- even LESS before that.
- There is no evidence of a person named "Jesus". 2,000 years ago there was no town or city of Nazareth. That area was a wilderness that possibly had a few farms. No one during that time would be referred to as a "Nazarene".
- There is no evidence that this Jesus was executed by the Romans, was buried, and then was resurrected 3 days later.
That just isn't true- and I believe it would be a waste of my time to look up the sources, you 'know' it all anyways.
But thanks for answering!