Those are good videos.
You should forward them to Rudy G and the rest of the A-Team.
I'm sure the judges in Pennsylvania, Michigan etc. will be impressed.
dick morris sounds the alert:. .
Those are good videos.
You should forward them to Rudy G and the rest of the A-Team.
I'm sure the judges in Pennsylvania, Michigan etc. will be impressed.
in a recent feel-good instagram post about the 2019 international convention, a jw remarked, "was it the last convention we will have?".
there is no doubt jw's feel they are truly special and that world events revolve around them directly.
there is also no doubt that whether we get a vaccine for covid or not, and at the moment, its looking very certain that we will, that the world will continue to spin and life will go on, regardless of the beliefs of the jw's.. once the pandemic is over i'm wondering if some jw's will realise that even though they lived through a notable period of time, life kept sailing on, and maybe they aren't that special after all?
That's true regarding the big international events - they've discovered that even the poorest JWs are willing to pony up thousands or even tens of thousands of dollars to get treated like "rock stars" for 7-14 days.
I know several who have drained virtually their entire life savings to go to one of these things. Then when they get back home, and the buzz wears off after 3-4 days, they immediately start trying to figure out how they can do it again.
I suspect that in the future, nearly all regional conventions will be very low-key, likely held in assembly halls wherever possible, and the glitzy no-holds-barred international conventions will be held every year up to their saturation point (when they run out of JWs willing to pay tens of thousands of dollars to be treated like a rock star for 7-14 days).
dick morris sounds the alert:. .
With all the evidence of massive voter fraud the legal procedures must be going really well for the Trump campaign!
Here is their strategy:
1) Present stupid, incoherent arguments in the lower courts (e.g., submitting affidavits which mix up "Minnesota" with "Michigan", claiming votes were changed in Philadelphia by voting machines not used in Philadelphia, misspelling the name of the governor of PA numerous times, etc.).
2) Get laughed out of court dozens of times (aka "dismissed with prejudice")
3) [Inset magic box] Somehow this gets to the Supreme Court
4) Reveal super-duper secret evidence they've been sitting on until now
5) Supreme Court is gob-smacked and rules in Trump's favor
It's all a highly complex, unprecedented legal strategy. 5-dimensional chess, if you will.
dick morris sounds the alert:. .
Now there's this:
“Sidney Powell is practicing law on her own. She is not a member of the Trump Legal Team. She is also not a lawyer for the President in his personal capacity.”
- Rudy Giuliani, Attorney for President Trump, and Jenna Ellis, Trump Campaign Senior Legal Adviser and Attorney for President Trump
When you're too nuts for a legal team that includes Fruity
in a recent feel-good instagram post about the 2019 international convention, a jw remarked, "was it the last convention we will have?".
there is no doubt jw's feel they are truly special and that world events revolve around them directly.
there is also no doubt that whether we get a vaccine for covid or not, and at the moment, its looking very certain that we will, that the world will continue to spin and life will go on, regardless of the beliefs of the jw's.. once the pandemic is over i'm wondering if some jw's will realise that even though they lived through a notable period of time, life kept sailing on, and maybe they aren't that special after all?
They've already announced the 2021 convention will be like the 2020 one, presented entirely on video & broadcast on jw.borg.
If they have very many more video-only conventions, I suspect it will be really really hard to motivate JWs to attend in-person even when it is finally possible.
dick morris sounds the alert:. .
Exhibit 3,857 from The Gang That Couldn't Sue Straight:
Trump's team <snort> Ha...ha...<guffaw>...they....har....oh I can't go on....
They have submitted an affadavit from someone purportedly identifying "irregularities" from a series of precincts & towns in Michigan.
Ooops, wait a minute...
Here’s the problem: the townships and precincts listed in paragraphs 11 and 17 of the affidavit are not in Michigan. They are in Minnesota.
Evidently a researcher, either Mr. Ramsland or someone working for him, was working with a database and confused “MI” for Minnesota with “MI” for Michigan. (The postal code for Minnesota is MN, while Michigan is MI, so one can see how this might happen.) So the affidavit, which addresses “anomalies and red flags” in Michigan, is based largely, and mistakenly, on data from Minnesota.
This is a catastrophic error, the kind of thing that causes a legal position to crash and burn. Trump’s lawyers are fighting an uphill battle, to put it mildly, and confusing Michigan with Minnesota will at best make the hill steeper. Credibility once lost is hard to regain. Possibly Trump’s lawyers have already discovered this appalling error, and have undertaken to correct it. But the Ramsland Affidavit was filed in Georgia just yesterday.
Oh my stars.
I just...there aren't even words....
Well maybe there is one. Rhymes with "Fustercluck".
EDIT: Oh, one more thing.
In anticipation of this site's resident geniuses either coming up with "Oh, you're quoting some liberal blog" or "well, they got the states mixed up but they still uncovered fraud":
Powerline is a reliably pro-Trump site. They really believe fraud "must have" taken place. The article is bewailing the ineptitude (is that the understatement of the year?) of Trump's legal team.
And, even though the author really believes there is fraud "somewhere out there", here is what he himself writes:
A postscript: has Mr. Ramsland inadvertently stumbled across evidence of voter fraud in Minnesota? I seriously doubt it. The venues in question are all in red Greater Minnesota, not in the blue urban areas where voter fraud is common.
dick morris sounds the alert:. .
Investigations of vote fraud don't go along at the pace you'd personally prefer.
I'm not an attorney, nor do I play on TV, but I've seen enough episodes of "Law and Order" to understand that investigations are typically done prior to presenting a case in court.
There have been 30+ court cases - if I were a judge, and one side's attorney said to me "I'd love to answer your question, your honor, but we're still investigating", I'd pitch that attorney out of court.
As has been done 30+ times (and counting).
Let the lawyers and judges do their jobs.
They have been.
All the opposing attorneys and judges say the exact same thing - "no evidence".
Bloody hell, Trump's own lawyers admit that there was no fraud in some of the cases being tried for, erm, fraud.
If you can point me to a specific particular case, and a judge who has agreed that there is indeed evidence worthy of consideration, by all means, provide me with a link. I'd love to read it.
dick morris sounds the alert:. .
Here are the major claims that the Trump legal teams says they can back up
Well, if they can back it up, why haven't they done so?
Dozens - literally DOZENS of cases have been laughed out of court because The Gang That Couldn't Sue Straight can't back it up. more time:
Allegations presented by sweaty, hair-dye-dripping attorneys in a press conference are, now follow me here, not really evidence.
If there is evidence, produce in court. Otherwise, just shut up already.
*Spoiler alert* There is no evidence.
*Spoiler alert 2* If your case depends on tying voting machines to a South American dictator who's been dead for 7+ might not have a very strong case.
If the Supreme Court gets into this, which I think will happen
What, exactly, is the Supreme court going to "get into"?
Which case? Specifically? From which state?
Which case has proceeded to actual judgment that can be reviewed by the SC?
They're all getting thrown out of court or withdrawn by Trump's own team - there's not even any judgments to be reviewed.
Not to mention, as I noted, earlier, Trump needs 3+ states to overturn their election results. 3+ states = 3+ SC cases.
And then there is the real world, where you will get eaten alive before a judge if you can't demonstrate the truth of your accusations.
When the attorneys for Trump are pressed, and the choice is "lie before a judge to appease my client" and "retain my law license", well, option B wins every time.
30+ court cases so far. Maybe a couple dozen invalid votes found. No evidence of even hundreds, let alone thousands, of "fraudulent" ballots.
Let me repeat that for the guys in the back. NO EVIDENCE.
Guys, guys,'s over. If there were evidence of fraud it would have been presented by now.