How many hundreds or thousands of messages from "concerned parents" must have been received by Bethel for them to feel forced to defend their decisions on depicting violence and death?
Of course, the real problem is all those parents realizing a moment of cognitive dissonance.
Per official JW doctrine, Jehovah (well, actually, I guess, Gentle Jesus and his charging cavalry) are going to violently slaughter billions of men, women and children one day, including 10s of millions of infants who will "never know what hit them". There will be blood on the streets and gore on the sidewalks. Imagine the smell. And then imagine the smell after 3-4 days.
That image is quite a contrast to the drawings of gentle lions and picnic tables overflowing with fruit, fruit, fruit, wonderful fruit, surrounded by colorful exotic humans in their "native" garb.
And good ol' Tony. He seemed to be making an effort, but even so, his sneering contempt for people who fail to worship the ground he walks on still came through. "These are realistic depictions" he snarled.