He probably had a run in with a Christmas tree skirt
Is this on a 'need to know' basis?
i saw a small article about willie nelson in the paper today where he is creating an new company selling this fuel called biowillie..he uses it to fuel his your buses.
oh and they are negotiating to put it in the love's truck stops at some point.
pretty cool huh?
He probably had a run in with a Christmas tree skirt
Is this on a 'need to know' basis?
...be more in touch with his "feminine side" what exactly does she want him to do?
wa she mean?.
I hear they are going to legalise 24 hours pups in the near future though.
24 hour pups?
Thats really going to piss my cats off
...be more in touch with his "feminine side" what exactly does she want him to do?
wa she mean?.
I could go for a drink right about now...............if I could find anywhere open that is.
...be more in touch with his "feminine side" what exactly does she want him to do?
wa she mean?.
<Cuddles Xena>
i saw a small article about willie nelson in the paper today where he is creating an new company selling this fuel called biowillie..he uses it to fuel his your buses.
oh and they are negotiating to put it in the love's truck stops at some point.
pretty cool huh?
So how does it compare price wise to ordinary fuel?
I noticed that anything 'good for the environment' or 'good for you' always comes with a high price tag, so I wondered.
...be more in touch with his "feminine side" what exactly does she want him to do?
wa she mean?.
Dunno mate.
I've always taken it to mean..........."Always see my point of view and agree with it unconditionally".
a hard question...must consult a few philosophers before being able to formulate an answer.. no, wait!!!
i have the answer.
kate, i luv ya and all that---but, now, kindly step aside and recognize universally acknowledged and incontrovertibly demonstrable laws of conduct: the man owns the remote..
Kate wrote
In defense of myself what I really said tonight honey is that I get half the sofa cuz lastnight you hogged the whole thing again..........and I also get the remote!
So what were you doing out of the kitchen in the first place?
a hard question...must consult a few philosophers before being able to formulate an answer.. no, wait!!!
i have the answer.
kate, i luv ya and all that---but, now, kindly step aside and recognize universally acknowledged and incontrovertibly demonstrable laws of conduct: the man owns the remote..
You really ought to bring Kate into your life more.
Try this...
Throw away the remote and just tell Kate when you want the channel changed.
Then you cant be accused of being a remote hog or not talking to her
flat stanley is spending christmas with me here in lincolnshire, after which he will do a whirlwind tour of the area collecting local information and pictures to be sent off.
he arrived without luggage, preliminary checking seems to indicate that it was sent to cleveland
stanley will resume his travels in the new year as soon as we receive details of his next stop.
Well, I've seen the Lincoln Imp!
Me too Mike, usually outside the pub late at night
Hi Kate
Where is his companion, the Garden Gnome?
Hm, good question, he certainly isnt lazing on a beach around here, too cold.
Keep your liquor cabinet locked.
No point, I emptied it (hic)
Keep us posted Searcher!Will do !
flat stanley is spending christmas with me here in lincolnshire, after which he will do a whirlwind tour of the area collecting local information and pictures to be sent off.
he arrived without luggage, preliminary checking seems to indicate that it was sent to cleveland
stanley will resume his travels in the new year as soon as we receive details of his next stop.
Mareham-le-Fen, near Horncastle