A total misrepresentation. Ok, I demand proof that WWII happened, that Sept 11 occurred, that America actually has a government and is populated and that the moon is not made of cheese. C'mon ... get to it. I expect you to spend hours on this simply because I demanded it ...
Not at all Simon.
I can see from your posts that you hold strong opinions, I was interested in WHY you hold those opinions so strongly is all.
It works like this, if you have opinions, something has caused you to have those opinions, that something is what I was asking for, not that I DEMAND you spend HOURS searching for anything.
If you have'nt SAVED the information that caused you to form your opinion, then so be it.
I have been polite with my request to know why you, and others, hold the opinion you do.
Obviously my request has pushed butons and been seen as something else, this was not my intention.
I don't waste my time tyring to prove what everyone knows is fact. If you disagree then you prove otherwise. Show that they sent many more soldiers into Afghanistan after Osama and that they were sent immediately that it was known to be Al Quida.
You do the work if you think you can prove your point. I think you will be wasting your time which is why I'm not going to waste mine.
I never said AT ANY TIME that I disagreed.
OK by me, anyone holding an opinion who will not explain WHY they hold that opinion will get no 'listening' from me. I will stay out of your threads.