I bought a new jacket too
JoinedPosts by searcher
Those poor old Packers!
by onacruse in.
lol...sorry, but i just couldn't help but take a "whack" at those few, very few, poor pathetic green bayers on this db!.
anyone read monday, september 27 "examining the scriptures daily"?
by evergreen in.
i decided to have a look at the scripture for that day as it was sitting next to me whilst watching my daughters favorite programme the tweenies and noticed what the society had to say concerning false stories via e-mails etc.. mmmm rather interesting i thought .any one else read it?
Welcome to the board, cute avatar BTW
Thar she blows.............Mt. St. Helens is erupting again
by Mulan ini just turned on the tv while i eat my breakfast (late one) and two minutes ago, the mountain began a new eruption.
so far it looks like an enormous cloud.
time will tell what is in there.
I have been following as best I can, what has been really useful to show people here, are the pics I took while we were there, and the maps/info/etc I got from the vistor center. Kinda puts things in perspective.
All you folks around that thing take care now.
End Times Prophets are BOGUS! - Matt.24, Mark 13, Luke.21
by LittleToe ini've had a thing against hearing about "end times prophecies" for some time now, no doubt as a reaction against what i had been raised with by the wts.. recently, however, i had cause to re-read luke 21 in "the message".. it suddenly struck me how we would always use matthew 24 to support 1914, but only dipped into mark 13 and luke 21 occasionally.
you may remember the "tote" watchtower in 1995 (?
) which was used to dismantle the "generation" teaching we'd all previously believed, but there was no parallel study from luke.
I see it all as being very simple.
If all people behaved in the way that Jesus advocated, this world would be a heavenly place to live, we would care for each other, and the Earth, literally 'back to the garden'.
That surely would be tha end of 'This World' or 'This System'.
Mt. St. Helens is erupting...............just ash
by Mulan injust heard it on the news.
it's a nice sunny, clear day, and they are saying it isn't a major eruption.
wind is going to the south so we won't get any ash.
If Jehovah's Witnesses Were To Have A Spin-Off Religion, What Would It Be?
by minimus insuggest a good name for a spin-off religion to the jws.
Believers in The End?
Kneel before me, for I am a god !
by Simon inlol.
ok, this probably won't sound like a big deal to some people but i'm pretty chuffed with it .... our washing machine broke earlier in the week, refusing to drain, and we were facing the typical 100+ for someone to come out and fix it.
it's already broken a couple of times (i'm sure they reset some 'breakdown timer' hidden inside .
BTW Simon, from now on, be prepared to often hear the words....
"All I did was turn it on, and............."
Kneel before me, for I am a god !
by Simon inlol.
ok, this probably won't sound like a big deal to some people but i'm pretty chuffed with it .... our washing machine broke earlier in the week, refusing to drain, and we were facing the typical 100+ for someone to come out and fix it.
it's already broken a couple of times (i'm sure they reset some 'breakdown timer' hidden inside .
Ahhhhhhh !
Simon the resident site maniac............erm...........thats mechanic, MECHANIC!
Who was the first person to respond to your very first JWD post?
by doodle-v inshamus responded to my first post about annoying kingdom songs.
you still crack me up bud.
so do remember who first responded to your first jwd post?
peterstride replied to my post on a thread by Trevor Scott about the WT Library Card.
~Post your favorite Conciousness Raising song lyrics here~
by FlyingHighNow indon't we all love our freedom of speech?
i miss the days when i was growing up when rock groups, singer/songwriters and other types of entertainers spoke out against racism, the vietnam war, etc.
it felt to me like people were more passionate about making the world a better and more fair place.
Bright Side of Life
- Always look on the bright side of life.
- [whistling]
- Always look on the light side of life.
- [whistling]
- If life seems jolly rotten,
- There's something you've forgotten,
- And that's to laugh and smile and dance and sing.
- When you're feeling in the dumps,
- Don't be silly chumps.
- Just purse your lips and whistle. That's the thing.
- And...
- Always look on the bright side of life.
- [whistling]
- Always look on the right side of life,
- [whistling]
- For life is quite absurd
- And death's the final word.
- You must always face the curtain with a bow.
- Forget about your sin.
- Give the audience a grin.
- Enjoy it. It's your last chance, anyhow.
- So,...
- Always look on the bright side of death,
- [whistling]
- Just before you draw your terminal breath.
- [whistling]
- Life's a piece of shit,
- When you look at it.
- Life's a laugh and death's a joke. It's true.
- You'll see it's all a show.
- Keep 'em laughing as you go.
- Just remember that the last laugh is on you.
- And...
- Always look on the bright side of life.
- [whistling]
- Always look on the right side of life.
- [whistling]
- Always look on the bright side of life!
- [whistling]
- Always look on the bright side of life!
- [whistling]
- Always look on the bright side of life!
- [whistling]
- Always look on the bright side of life!
- [whistling]
- Always look on the bright side of life!
- [whistling]
- Always look on the bright side of life!
- [whistling]
- Always look on the bright side of life!
- [whistling]
- Always look on the bright side of life!
- [whistling]