Doug : If God "gave his Son", then Judas, the High Priests, and the Romans were the good people, doing God's work.
My thoughts ..Please advise ;)
Suppose one of you wants to build a tower. Won't you first sit down and estimate the cost Luke 14:28 (Divine Mind calculates multiple variables / Schrödinger's cat ? ..Isaiah 55:11)
Eternal (hidden) Plan (pre-Edan ) For...Children of God as perfected images..mind and incorruptible bodies...Ephesians chapters 1,2,3,
Adam was only a *type* of the ONE to come.romans 5:14 (who is the figure of him that was to come.)
Jesus had to come *EITHER WAY* due to consequences (good or bad) of free will minds. Jesus the man obtained the goal of man and for man. Matthew 17:2, psalm 8 Hebrews 2 (what is man ?)
however, free will choices showed he needed to overcome death (for man) also, at this point in his earthly life, he had already overcame the satan and sins's consequences. However, the *TYPE* of DEATH was NOT designed by God, the satan shot *himself in the foot*, as he killed (influenced others) the *AUTHOR of LIFE* ..aka HIS (the satan's) LIFE SOURCE ...Acts somewhere;)
Then Judas, the High Priests, and the Romans were the good people, doing God's work ...
*Motivations* are weighed by the Father and Jesus ...Cardio-Gnostic
cheers ..thanks again for your great prolific docs...ME JEALOUS