Ah, I just love these discussions.
Acts 3, 5, 10, 13.
Sylvia/ Snowbird
Priceless ... ...Are you a snowbird in Florida ?
Im located in North Florida
as i work my way through the history of judaeo-christian salvation, i have drafted a chapter on the trinity and early christology.
as before, i am seeking corrections, advice, and suggestions.. the chapter is available at: http://www.jwstudies.com/formative_christianity_s_christological_combats.pdf.
while preparing this chapter, i realised that i am not looking at the "evolution" of soteriology.
Ah, I just love these discussions.
Acts 3, 5, 10, 13.
Sylvia/ Snowbird
Priceless ... ...Are you a snowbird in Florida ?
Im located in North Florida
as i work my way through the history of judaeo-christian salvation, i have drafted a chapter on the trinity and early christology.
as before, i am seeking corrections, advice, and suggestions.. the chapter is available at: http://www.jwstudies.com/formative_christianity_s_christological_combats.pdf.
while preparing this chapter, i realised that i am not looking at the "evolution" of soteriology.
TheWonderofyou ..Paraphrases like "The blood of Jesus safes us"....are hardly to explain today, does it mean the liquid, the life-principle, or does shedded blood stand for his devotion, which is represented by blood, the whole life-work of Jesus
Brilliant ! simply put in ONE word ..*OBEDIENCE*
letter to Hebrews (NT) is a masterpiece of metaphors and analogies ..imho .luv it !
ALL *good thoughts* that inspire *good motivations* in us
as i work my way through the history of judaeo-christian salvation, i have drafted a chapter on the trinity and early christology.
as before, i am seeking corrections, advice, and suggestions.. the chapter is available at: http://www.jwstudies.com/formative_christianity_s_christological_combats.pdf.
while preparing this chapter, i realised that i am not looking at the "evolution" of soteriology.
Doug : If God "gave his Son", then Judas, the High Priests, and the Romans were the good people, doing God's work.
My thoughts ..Please advise ;)
Suppose one of you wants to build a tower. Won't you first sit down and estimate the cost Luke 14:28 (Divine Mind calculates multiple variables / Schrödinger's cat ? ..Isaiah 55:11)
Eternal (hidden) Plan (pre-Edan ) For...Children of God as perfected images..mind and incorruptible bodies...Ephesians chapters 1,2,3,
Adam was only a *type* of the ONE to come.romans 5:14 (who is the figure of him that was to come.)
Jesus had to come *EITHER WAY* due to consequences (good or bad) of free will minds. Jesus the man obtained the goal of man and for man. Matthew 17:2, psalm 8 Hebrews 2 (what is man ?)
however, free will choices showed he needed to overcome death (for man) also, at this point in his earthly life, he had already overcame the satan and sins's consequences. However, the *TYPE* of DEATH was NOT designed by God, the satan shot *himself in the foot*, as he killed (influenced others) the *AUTHOR of LIFE* ..aka HIS (the satan's) LIFE SOURCE ...Acts somewhere;)
Then Judas, the High Priests, and the Romans were the good people, doing God's work ...
*Motivations* are weighed by the Father and Jesus ...Cardio-Gnostic
cheers ..thanks again for your great prolific docs...ME JEALOUS
as i work my way through the history of judaeo-christian salvation, i have drafted a chapter on the trinity and early christology.
as before, i am seeking corrections, advice, and suggestions.. the chapter is available at: http://www.jwstudies.com/formative_christianity_s_christological_combats.pdf.
while preparing this chapter, i realised that i am not looking at the "evolution" of soteriology.
Sylvia The DNA from Mary, in that one case, must have been purged clean of any trace of Adamic sin.
YA ...here are my thoughts on that ....
the Body without the spirit is DEAD. (James ..somewhere lol lol)
the body is controlled by our mind/thoughts/motivation. I belive the goal of Adam and Eve was first and foremost to be in control of the their natural MORTAL bodies and its natural desires, as they *walked* (fellowshipped) with God.
The *FALL* affected their MINDS (the spirit in their minds Ephesians 4:23) God gave them over to imperfect/depraved (wrong motives) minds ( Romans ..somewhere lol )
So the Word made flesh ( John somewhere ) had no effect on HIS MIND. He had the same mortal body as Adam but under his control... He overcame temptation, evil, sin and death in a mortal body, and died as a righteous man.
For what the law was powerless to do because it was weakened by the flesh, God did by sending his own Son in the **likeness of sinful flesh ** to be a sin offering. And so he condemned sin in the flesh Romans 8:3
Some groups like SDA even suggest Christ's fleshly body was a state of Falleness / sin infected.
My thoughts are that Christ fleshly body inherited the consequences *likeness of sinful flesh* from Mary, but the main driving force is his mind and motivation from his father. A POWER, we must have, if we *WILL* to rule *self* and be like him, a perfect image of God. Galatians 2:20
As Jesus said somewhere the *flesh is of NO VALUE* it's the spirit that gives life !
So Mary was no biggie, it's the powerful motivation he now has to offer mankind, if we WILL it. 1 John 5:9-13 ..
as i work my way through the history of judaeo-christian salvation, i have drafted a chapter on the trinity and early christology.
as before, i am seeking corrections, advice, and suggestions.. the chapter is available at: http://www.jwstudies.com/formative_christianity_s_christological_combats.pdf.
while preparing this chapter, i realised that i am not looking at the "evolution" of soteriology.
Sylvia And, the dispute was never really resolved, but continues to this very day?
yup ...it seems Jesus put it out there, as such ! :)
If he (Christ) being his (David's) Lord, how is he his son !
it seems pretty easy to see the Christ as a prophetic figure *to come * in flesh, (from a Unitarian point of view) however, the BIGGIE is how WAS he David's *LORD* lord! Lord as an angel, or personified WORD, or YHWH ?
or maybe even *LIFE itself* not just *A LIFE*
*I am the LIFE*, the *eternal life* (quality) with the father ! NOT *IMMORTAL LIFE* from eternity ..he became immortal in a New Creation....apparently
seems like IMMORTALITY relates to *exterior stuff* like body / environment, and eternal LIFE relates to *quality* !?!?
just my thoughts ...
as i work my way through the history of judaeo-christian salvation, i have drafted a chapter on the trinity and early christology.
as before, i am seeking corrections, advice, and suggestions.. the chapter is available at: http://www.jwstudies.com/formative_christianity_s_christological_combats.pdf.
while preparing this chapter, i realised that i am not looking at the "evolution" of soteriology.
Hi Doug
I have been looking for a doc. Like this forever. Excellent !
A lot to digest, a bit over my head to make any serious contributions right now, only to say it's now on my iPad, for my next (very soon) long flight back to Ireland.
Fair Dinkum mate :)
ps. There is a thread on the JW Topixs forum on *who is Jehovah* by a self proclaimed arrogant JW *annoined* named Samson, you may want to put it out there for review.
in other words, what good works have the 144000 done to be secured a place in heaven?
i am told they have already been chosen.
does that mean that jehovah also knows our future?
iWant2Learn4 days agoIn other words, what good works have the 144000 done to be secured a place in heaven? I am told they have already been chosen. Does that mean that Jehovah also knows our future? (Serious).
non jw so thank you for bearing with me.
do special talks happen with individual congregations or is it throughout?
i was told by my husband that i had to go with him and the rest of his family to the special talk that was happening this weekend.
Cultivate Peace ..!
poor guys have to trained to defend the judgmental slandering spirit of the Watchtower GB and their literature...like in Russia.
back in 2005, i remember sitting in the stadium in the special rows with 42 others.
8000 people were looking at us - maybe even with a binocular - while listening to the speech.
my family and my friends among them, being all proud of me.. i don't remember being enthusiastic.
It was in the 80's, I was in my early 20's an Irish Roman Catholic. Studies for years with a JW friend at work. Found a local cong. Great bunch of guy, families, great fellowship.
Reluctant at my baptism because of the WTS forumla and *INTO association with the WTS org* but an elder friend and good guy (John May, who later led a revolt against the WTS in NY due to the fall out of Ray Franz disfellowship) reassured me it was may personal decision with Jehovah, nothing else.
JWs members asked how I felt after the *DUNK* and mentioned *circumcision of the heart * I was puzzled with this question considering that was suppose to be for the 144k only. I felt committed, anxious and probably over pious, but I realized some JWs had no idea they were NOT baptised into Christ.
It was not to last long considering the Ray Franz bomb shell, where half the cong. WALKED. Most had already experienced the 1975 crap.
Anyways ...that's my reply to baptism *feelings* and way of introduction of myself to the forum.
cheers :)
the following is from a facebook post and..maybe i am missing something, but none of these items disprove them being in a cult.
jehovah's witnesses are often mistaken to be something else.
some say it a secret cult while others believe something else.......i'm very proud to tell you my readers that i'm one of jehovah's witnesses.. below are 17 facts that shows jehovah's witness is not a cult..... 1. there are currently about 8 million jehovah's witnesses around the world.. 2. an average of over 800 people become jehovah's witnesses daily.. 3. we keep coming to your doors even though we have regular jobs and family like you because we are admonished to do so by jesus christ.. 4. we do not participate in wars and for this reason more than 1600 jehovah's witnesses were killed by hitler.. 5. there are currently over 300 jehovah's witnesses in prison in south korea and egypt because they refused to stop preaching or enlist in the military.. 6. we don't salute the flag or say national anthems because we pledge our allegiance only to god.. 7. yes we have fun and party too so don't get that twisted.. 8. not many of us know the name of the president of our headquarters because we do not pay any reference to him he is a fellow servant of god just like the rest of us are.. 9. you earn the privilege of becoming a jehovah's witness.
Too late for the damage control old son, there is enough evidence in the Watchtower's own literature to prove they are a judgmental hate group.
Religious nationalism (BTG) is growing not dying, and soon the WTS will be under investigation here in USA. The WTS will reap what they have sown for years.
They are using Christians from the UN and elsewhere, in their defense in Russia and call us apostates when we fellowship with them .....hypocrites ...