So your saying then his stuttering problem is a fraudulent lie ???
Please view this video
i give him an f for falling down on the job..
So your saying then his stuttering problem is a fraudulent lie ???
Please view this video
so it looks like about half of my jw relatives are not going back to the meetings once they open up the kingdom halls.
the main reason all of them give is that if we were truly living in the last days, jehovah would not have allowed the door to door preaching work, and kingdom hall meetings to stop for over a year.. the elders have talked to some of them and tried to convince them that letter writing is accomplishing the same thing as door to door, and zoom is the same as meetings-----------but my relatives just won’t buy it anymore.
just a note here, at first, the kingdom hall lock-downs, and the no preaching door to door was not that bad,the relatives still held on to their faith strongly because they believed it was temporary.
Living in a state of delusion based upon ancient "fictional" mythological expressions is never going to be good for anyone.
It can never be because its not structured within the parameters of factual reality.
so the cult is building movie studios and making films or propaganda d movies of jesus.
my question is how do they plan to make their investment back?
my guess is that they are hoping that this somehow brings in converts.
One could say JWorg is brainwashing people 21st century style.
Maybe Bill Gates is the true faithful one ?
Keep watching the monitor brothers and sisters, keep watching
Learn how big brother the chosen one is going to save you
i give him an f for falling down on the job..
Well Minimus people were saying that he's old and senile and lost much of his cognitive awareness so I just wanted to see that for myself.
Its makes sense to me if your going to degrade and abase someone you can least show some evidence to that .
I first listened to his inaugural speech awhile back and I couldn't detect he was losing his cognitive sharpness.
Sometimes his speech impediment (stutter) gets taken that he's loosing his mental facilities.
so the cult is building movie studios and making films or propaganda d movies of jesus.
my question is how do they plan to make their investment back?
my guess is that they are hoping that this somehow brings in converts.
My question is how do they plan to make their investment back?
Its just a new vehicle/strategy to brainwash people while they are sitting at the Kingdom Halls watching the video monitors or at their own personal computers.
Mentally manipulating people is how this organization retains its followers who will eventually offer up money and free labor.
The WTS/JWorg has millions on hand so its not like they are striving to get back a financial return on this new investment.
Their own sustenance of power is dependent upon them brainwashing other people and to them that's the most important investment that these men are endeavored to.
Doing so through video production in the end is substantially cheaper than doing so through printed literature. $$$
So sure an updated modern way of propagating their doctrines as viably corrupt charlatans but hey they are not trying to be in the literature publishing business any more.
Go to any Kingdom Hall now and notice that just about eveyone has a tablet in their hands.
so rolex sam said this.
is this something the whole cult buys into?
any links to rolex sam saying this?
Sam Herd's use of making the suggestion that because woman brains are smaller than men's brains, woman therefor have less intelligence, is demeaning and nonfactual.
The fact that this guy said that tells and reveals the truth about his own apparent intelligence or adherence to intellectual honesty.
I've known and met certain woman that were heads above of intelligence of what this guy has and other GB men such as Steven Lett or Anthony Morris to name a few.
All or most of the major tests commonly used to measure intelligence have been constructed so that there are no overall score differences between males and females. Thus, there is little difference between the average IQ scores of men and women.
Religion many times is used to empower men so they have power and control over others in a socialized environment.
The ancient Hebrew god Yahweh was a male god so the ancient Hebrews propagated that males have predominance over females and they should be subjective to males and their positional authority, particularly so when the said spiritual connection from this god was through their designated male high priests.
i give him an f for falling down on the job..
Watch this video and determine yourself if he is stupidly senile.
The guy he replaced was far more honest and intelligent as a political leader ..Right ?.
hope link works.
Literature carts grabbed a market share for JWs interested in getting their hours in via a new lower-effort method.
Good point Hybridous
The street cart preaching is so much easier and most JWs would rather do that that walk about calling on people's doors.
Though the door to door work might be left has an option just like before the Virus problem.
If that is the new border wall that Trump built, its effectiveness appears to be redundantly weak.
and what kind of immoral cruel parent would do something like that ?
hope link works.
This JWS guy made an off the cuff comment which he really didn't have the knowledge and info.
A good guess is the door to door ministry will return when the Virus restrictions are lifted.
Count on it