New light has come in that says men should be equal to woman in the marriage arrangement, this includes house work.
JoinedPosts by Rocketman123
wt's idea of the ideal family headship
by waton infor lurkers.
this week's wt study.
quick summary: .
Derek Chauvin - The Right to a Fair Trial
by Simon inanyone following the derek chauvin trial?.
if you are actually following it, not just listening to the media, you will likely realize that there is a huge gap between what is going on in court and what is being reported in the media.. if the trial was fair, i think he should be acquitted.
there is plenty of reasonable doubt about the cause of death (his dealer doesn't want to testify because he could be guilty of 3rd degree murder for selling him a fatal amount of fentanyl) and even doubt over whether the officer even had his knee on the guys neck or did anything counter to what they were meant to do as per policy.. but is it fair?
I have an industrial first aid certificate and when it comes to a situation where someone has stopped breathing and there if there no indication of a pulse, we were trained to do both AED and CPR.
The Anointed Apostate: the Remarkable Sister Pettifog
by TerryWalstrom in(on the anniversary of my jw best friend's death, i've reached into my archive to replay this incident in his honor)
the remarkable sister *pettifog*.
this morning i arrived on my bicycle at the local starbucks early and took up a seat at the outdoor table in the fresh air.. that’s when it happened--a group of 3 older ladies at one of the other tables outside rose to leave and one of them walked over to my table and spoke directly to me.
Makes me wonder how all those anointed newbies felt when they weren't celebs any longer.
It's curious psychology.Religious cults are a curious psychology.
True but they all have core similarities and thats included with the JWS religoius cult..
Basically to mentally allure
to mentally manipulate
to mentally exploit
then to finally mentally entrap by various means mostly related to fear
The WTS/JWs have done all of the completely and thoroughly, even going as far as saying their organization if god's unique solemnly chosen organization.
The top leaders of this organization are willing to break up families and let people die in hospitals as a means to both sanctify and self glorify themselves toward their own impose identity as god's direct channel.
Derek Chauvin - The Right to a Fair Trial
by Simon inanyone following the derek chauvin trial?.
if you are actually following it, not just listening to the media, you will likely realize that there is a huge gap between what is going on in court and what is being reported in the media.. if the trial was fair, i think he should be acquitted.
there is plenty of reasonable doubt about the cause of death (his dealer doesn't want to testify because he could be guilty of 3rd degree murder for selling him a fatal amount of fentanyl) and even doubt over whether the officer even had his knee on the guys neck or did anything counter to what they were meant to do as per policy.. but is it fair?
What I found surprising is when EMT arrived they took his pulse which there was none, Typically what EMTs are trained to do in situation like this is use a automated external defibrillator in an attempt to restart the heart and also place a ambu bag over the mouth of the individual to force oxygen into their lungs.
The arriving EMT didn't do that that just picked him up off the ground and put him into the ambulance.
WT Says Don't Contract with False Religion, But Does Just That
by Sea Breeze in.
let's all open up our crystals to 2 facet 1: 1 - here we lean about how buddha escapes prism.
JWS are very paganish and immoral when it comes to money and acquiring it.
Dedicating a building to Jehovah (Kingdom Hall ) then selling off to Satan's false religion has got to make Jehovah weep.
Going back to KHs
by asp59 indo you believe org gonna go back to regular meetings in khs?
i highly doubt that.
reason is, pedophile situation.
If and when the government issued social restrictions are lifted, there is no compelling reason why they would not return to the Kingdom Halls.
Thats their social engagement center, where meetings are held, the memorial, special talks now videos displayed on monitors, where weddings are performed and funerals .
......and where elders can look over how people are dressed and groomed, elders have little power and control over Zoom
......and where JWS can see and socialize with their approved friends.
Derek Chauvin - The Right to a Fair Trial
by Simon inanyone following the derek chauvin trial?.
if you are actually following it, not just listening to the media, you will likely realize that there is a huge gap between what is going on in court and what is being reported in the media.. if the trial was fair, i think he should be acquitted.
there is plenty of reasonable doubt about the cause of death (his dealer doesn't want to testify because he could be guilty of 3rd degree murder for selling him a fatal amount of fentanyl) and even doubt over whether the officer even had his knee on the guys neck or did anything counter to what they were meant to do as per policy.. but is it fair?
It could quite conceivable that if the attending officers including Chauvin had noticed Floyd went unconscious and they quickly made an attempt to revive him, there would be no trial right now.
It would have just gone down that the cause of his death was Floyd's own apparent health condition and drugs in his system, the police officers were just doing their duty in a proper and approved way.
Derek Chauvin - The Right to a Fair Trial
by Simon inanyone following the derek chauvin trial?.
if you are actually following it, not just listening to the media, you will likely realize that there is a huge gap between what is going on in court and what is being reported in the media.. if the trial was fair, i think he should be acquitted.
there is plenty of reasonable doubt about the cause of death (his dealer doesn't want to testify because he could be guilty of 3rd degree murder for selling him a fatal amount of fentanyl) and even doubt over whether the officer even had his knee on the guys neck or did anything counter to what they were meant to do as per policy.. but is it fair?
Getting back to the topic ......
Police Chief Arradondo testified in court
Derek Chauvin - The Right to a Fair Trial
by Simon inanyone following the derek chauvin trial?.
if you are actually following it, not just listening to the media, you will likely realize that there is a huge gap between what is going on in court and what is being reported in the media.. if the trial was fair, i think he should be acquitted.
there is plenty of reasonable doubt about the cause of death (his dealer doesn't want to testify because he could be guilty of 3rd degree murder for selling him a fatal amount of fentanyl) and even doubt over whether the officer even had his knee on the guys neck or did anything counter to what they were meant to do as per policy.. but is it fair?
Having a discussion on a forum about certain topics is about expressing ideas, agreeing sometimes and perhaps disagreeing but still respecting one anothers opinion.
........respectfully RM
Going back to KHs
by asp59 indo you believe org gonna go back to regular meetings in khs?
i highly doubt that.
reason is, pedophile situation.
Yes they will go back after the social restrictions are lifted, your theorizing and dreaming nonsensically..
They will return to Kingdom Halls just like before the virus problem.
Do you think they are just going to leave thousands of buildings empty and just continue on Zoom ?