True Christians are not false prophet apostates enacted through corrupt charlatanism like the JWS.
They heed to Jesus's instructions of preaching his new Kingdom word for word.
christians are saved by grace alone though faith alone in christ alone to the glory of god alone.. jws are “saved” by their faith in the men in brooklyn, ny through their works (number of hours spent in field service, record of meeting attendance, and moral excellence or law-keeping (not breaking the long list of rules made by those men in brooklyn).. christians believe that jesus is capable of paying for the sins of mankind because he is god manifest in the flesh.
christians believe that the temple of jesus’ body was torn down and raised again on the third day, thus fulfilling the scriptures.. jws, on the other hand, believe that jesus is the created being, michael the archangel, manifest in the flesh, and that although he became a man and underwent physical death, he was not physically raised from the dead.. christians read jesus’ words: “truly, truly, i say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the son of man and drink his blood, you have no life in you.“ therefore, christians partake in communion.. jws, on the other hand, have a yearly ritual ceremony in which they publicly reject communion.
they make a public spectacle of refusing the new covenant.. christians believe that salvation is monergistic - that god works through the holy spirit to bring about the salvation of an individual through spiritual regeneration, regardless of the individual's cooperation.
True Christians are not false prophet apostates enacted through corrupt charlatanism like the JWS.
They heed to Jesus's instructions of preaching his new Kingdom word for word.
just sharing this for all the people who hated me saying it.
funny how truth finally comes out if those of us who care enough to become lightning rods don’t let up.
it’s taken a year, but the left wing ( not the same as a traditional liberal ) nut-job bs is becoming quite evident, and this will continue across multiple subjects as time passes.
Its easy to call the Covid restrictions BS when you never have gotten it yourself and you self assumed you would probably make through it without much harm even if you did.
The fact is without these social restrictions and face mask rules there would be a lot more people who would have contacted the virus and a lot more would have died.
A few countries such as Sweden when the virus came onto the scene never implemented social distancing restrictions or the eventual face masks wearing.
They saw their cases increase dramatically in comparison to its neighboring countries who did have these restrictions, as well the occurring deaths related to Covid .
The government realized this and eventually implemented those same restrictions.
Its pretty difficult to make decisions about matters when humans lives are at stake.
Its also pretty easy to stand on the side lines and criticize these decisions, until the responsibility lay upon your own individual hands.
Social responsibility means different things to different people so does respect and human compassion for others.
Bill Maher's argument that all the general public had to do was boost their immune system with sunshine and vitamin D, that social restrictions and mask wearing was uselessly redundant in action, comes out his own inherent ignorance of how this virus and its new variants transmit from one person to another.
when i was a witness i knew what my beliefs were and could defend my views, even if it really was wrong.
i understood jw doctrines .
i could define what the faithful and discreet slave was.
If you want to remain in the JWS social environment you have bullshit the theological propaganda the WTS/JWorg. makes.
Same old same old
The JWS will return to their former operation once the virus problem dissipates.
i've read a couple of articles recently about the situation developing in ukraine.. in 2014 putin sent russian troops into crimea and annexed this area.
crimea has either an ethnic russian majority or a substantial russian minority.. there's also an area of eastern ukraine called donbass which, again, either has a large number of ethnic russians or a huge amount of pro-moscow rebels.. so, vladimir putin is currently sending tanks, jeeps, guns and soldiers to eastern ukraine, and ukrainian president volodymyr zelensky is also fortifying adjacent areas with ukrainian troops and military hardware.. nato and biden support ukraine and biden has apparently sent two us warships to the region.. where is this all going?
where is the eu in all this?.
Seem whenever a new US president is elected Putin tests to see how strong they are to his military advances and aggressiveness.
I wouldn't be surprised if the US starts building up forces in Ukraine close to the disputed region.
Putin is pushed and driven by super rich business people in Russia and they push and promote taking over lands which would be an advantage to their business ventures, lands that are not in possession of Russia but could be.
Then Putin gets a kick back making him rich.
youtuber "king of fader's" caught this unbelievable piece of cant from watchtower in thursday's life and ministry 'daily text'.. (based on 2 corinthians 1:24 " not that we lord it over your faith").
"jehovah has not given us authority to make personal decisions for others.
someone who makes needless rules is not protecting his brothers safety - he is trying to become the master of his brothers faith.
Jehovah has not given us authority to make personal decisions for others.
Try telling that to these clowns ......
last year millions of people were singing his praises.
what’s your opinion of him right now?.
I would give him a C average
You have to keep in mind he had a lot organizations and people pulling his strings.
what is the difference between doctors & nurses, and police?.
studies have estimated that medical errors cause 250,000 deaths per year in the us.. police only kill around a thousand people each year in total, with only a small number being unjustified or accidental.. so the difference?.
police are expected to be perfect and for all the hype, you're are far greater risk of being killed by someone in the health industry than by a cop.
So all those victims who were killed by their mistakes were just stupid and it was their own fault?
There are established laws in most modernized countries to how police are to act in certain circumstances, ie to trying to escape the police while being retained in a investigation, usually is not a legal justification for the police to shoot the person or to use such physical force to kill
Its a matter of how the killing occurred, was it done in the bounds of legality or out ?
what is the difference between doctors & nurses, and police?.
studies have estimated that medical errors cause 250,000 deaths per year in the us.. police only kill around a thousand people each year in total, with only a small number being unjustified or accidental.. so the difference?.
police are expected to be perfect and for all the hype, you're are far greater risk of being killed by someone in the health industry than by a cop.
Mistakes are made with both professions with varying consequences to their outcome.
Motive and intentions can also vary which are connected to their unique professional activity.
No such thing living in a perfect world when humans are involved.
i have been in several congregations over the years.
the hypocrisy was staggering.
so many of these idiots were fake jws.some were strict followers and were as annoying as could be.
Things you might see at a JWS Kingdom Hall........
Child abuse
Corruption and twisting of facts
Propagation of ignorance and fear
A pre-designed personality for Kingdom Hall attendance exclusively.
Teachings that aren't supported in the bible and may actually be against bible teachings (apostasy)
The propagation of fear, guilt and obligation concerning service work or distributing the WTS's literature publicly.
Pretentious forced smiling with evaluation upon people's dress attire .
All of these things vary from congregation to congregation but they are nevertheless all there.
this is a good watch.. i agree with it 100% - the people pushing for everyone having to carry id are the ones that have shown over and over again that they can't be trusted with people's information.
the tech companies want it because they would be able to link online tracking and information logging with people's real-world activities.
the government wants it because they would have control over people and movement.. both should be chilling to anyone with half a brain..
Life will get back to normal once we get vaccinated. Another government lie.
Why do you say that ? the vaccination of the elderly have dramatically reduced the death rate of that age group, the people who are getting it now on a grander scale are the 20 to 40 age group.
Why ?
Because they never got vaccinated and there are now more potent strains/variants of the virus .
So from that observation we should be able to conclude that vaccinations will work on the greater population once everyone is vaccinated, with a small trace of symptomatic cases afloat.
Governments know that have to eventually remove social restrictions its just a matter of evaluating when based upon the infection rate.
Some countries have already lifted social restrictions , such as New Zealand and Israel.