Jah doesn't follow buildings, he follows money and his chosen earthy organization (JWorg) is getting quite good in the real estate business these days.
Wouldn't it be more appropriate for JWS to dedicate the local bank the WTS uses to Jehovah ?
let's all open up our crystals to 2 facet 1: 1 - here we lean about how buddha escapes prism.
Jah doesn't follow buildings, he follows money and his chosen earthy organization (JWorg) is getting quite good in the real estate business these days.
Wouldn't it be more appropriate for JWS to dedicate the local bank the WTS uses to Jehovah ?
the pandemic has made the situation worse for single young jw girls.. i'm hearing tons of sad stories of single jw girls who are going, or have gone into deep depression.
with many having thoughts of committing suicide and hoping for a better life in the new order.. the pandemic has made it almost impossible for young jw girls to find a suitable marriage mate.
especially since the single jw boys-men want young, gorgeous, thin, virgins, who look like models and summit to the headship arrangement.
the place should be quivering with tension, sparks flying, where is it gone?
Answer = porn, viewable at home when alone.
the pandemic has made the situation worse for single young jw girls.. i'm hearing tons of sad stories of single jw girls who are going, or have gone into deep depression.
with many having thoughts of committing suicide and hoping for a better life in the new order.. the pandemic has made it almost impossible for young jw girls to find a suitable marriage mate.
especially since the single jw boys-men want young, gorgeous, thin, virgins, who look like models and summit to the headship arrangement.
This is just another indication of how controlling the JWS religion is.
For example my JWS parents came from different religions when they were in their late teens but they still got together and ended up marrying.
Mother Catholic , father Anglican.
This isn't the only highly controlling religious organization out there that imposes this upon its devoted adherents.
Marry in the faith/organization first or your in trouble, marry out of love well maybe
Good practical viewpoint Overrated
JWS are regulated to only socialize closely with other JWS cult members, so if you dont have a label on your head that says JWS or at least participate, you aren't going to be accepted or respected in most cases, that's the way they have been programmed unfortunately.
the pandemic has made the situation worse for single young jw girls.. i'm hearing tons of sad stories of single jw girls who are going, or have gone into deep depression.
with many having thoughts of committing suicide and hoping for a better life in the new order.. the pandemic has made it almost impossible for young jw girls to find a suitable marriage mate.
especially since the single jw boys-men want young, gorgeous, thin, virgins, who look like models and summit to the headship arrangement.
Once the social restrictions are over with, Assemblies will reappear, congregations will rejoin so young JWS girls will once again be in the market by young guys which appears there aren't that many as there used to be.
the pandemic has made the situation worse for single young jw girls.. i'm hearing tons of sad stories of single jw girls who are going, or have gone into deep depression.
with many having thoughts of committing suicide and hoping for a better life in the new order.. the pandemic has made it almost impossible for young jw girls to find a suitable marriage mate.
especially since the single jw boys-men want young, gorgeous, thin, virgins, who look like models and summit to the headship arrangement.
I feel sorry for JWS single woman in their 40's to 60's , for their chances of finding a mate and settling down are slim to none.
If a young normal guy is looking for partner/marriage he isn't going to go after the older females in the congregation.
Even the older guys will have their eyes on the younger woman in the congregation.
I've seen woman in the mid age group never marry because of this, because they are forced to marry a JWS plain and simple.
another incredible catch from a you tuber, this time jane doh, who caught watchtower fooling us again, this time over the reasons beth sarim was really built.. of course we knew rutherford lived in beth sarim during the winter (ostensibly because of his poorly chest🙄).
however even we didn't guess he blatantly got the poor jws, or bible students as they were, to cough up from the proceeds of their book sales enough to buy him a "cali-fornication" mansion (for he & the girlfriend😜) with absolutely no pretence (at the time) it was for the "ancient worthies".that came later.... how did she know?
because at the time it was built, in the 1920s, watchtower had no belief that anyone was to live on a "paradise earth" - they had not even formulated the concept of a paradise earth yet for the ancient worthies to live on and believed all jws were to live in heaven.
Rutherford and the men after him exploited the basic belief in the bible which existed in the general public to attract attention to the literature the WTS published, it worked , end of story.
He was nothing more than a crooked charlatan who was a theological apostate sinner/false prophet for profit.
How is that these men expressed so many false doctrines but they still said that god had solemnly chosen them ?
if someone comes to you with a knife or a gun, would you defend yourself if you could?
if someone tried to beat you up , would you physically engage, run away or just try to talk the person out of beating you up or robbing you?
if you did have a gun to defend yourself would you shoot to kill or would you simply aim for the ankle to incapacitate the person?
Gee what a nice happy thread.
I'm beginning to think there are a lot clinically depressed people on the forum these days.
Must be the Covid blues .
since leaving the jws the governing body upgraded their status to being the "faithful & discreet slave".
in a sense, the gb declared themselves the 8 popes of wallkill.
absolute, unquestioning loyalty to the gb has become the central belief of the watchtower and declared the only source of salvation for the "great crowd".. the gb has instructed their followers to believe what they say and only believe what they say.
No harm would come to the GB members because God would protect his earthly chosen ones.
God is pretty powerful after all.
maybe someone has already brought this up, but a news article i ran across:.
brings a question to my mind.
There might have been some effect with the door to door work, but obviously they associated together and proceeded on.